Dream, Sapnap, and Bad decide to take another walk since the fresh air is useful for them. They decide to take a6d with them. They put him a harness on him and walk out.
The 4 walk out and Dream feels bad for a6d because he's wearing a harness and afraid he will run away. They walk until they found a park. Dream thinks it's a good idea to take off the harness. The 4 walk into the park and Dream takes off the harness.
BadBoyHalo- "Dream, he won't run away right? "
Dream- "I'm sure he won't. We trust him and he trusts us. Of course he won't run away and leave us like that. "
A6d walks on the field of grass and feels the wind brushing against him. He feels free but he doesn't want to leave his caretakers. He decides to stay with them. They're the one who are left for him to love. A6d rolls around the grass and makes happy noises. He finally feels free.
Dream- "He's really happy. "
Sapnap- "He feels free... "
BadBoyHalo- "He won't left us right? "
Dream- "He won't. Don't worry about it. "
A6d keeps rolling on the grass and sees a butterfly flying above him. He looks at it and he decides to catch it. A6d runs around to catch the butterfly while Dream, Bad, and Sapnap sit down on the bench to wait for him. A6d jumps up all the time to catch the butterfly until he reaches the hill. The butterfly is on the flower. A6d sneaks behind it and pouches on it but sadly missed it. He rolls over the hill and lands on his back. Lucky it just grass.
A6d stands up, trying to find the butterfly but instead he sees something from the distance. It's a boy. The strange boy walks towards him and a6d backs off. The boy closes to a6d and a6d couldn't escape from him. He sits on the grass shaking while hugging his knees. The boy notices and slowly approaches him. He puts a hand on a6d's head and a6d looks away, waiting for an impact but it doesn't happen.
Boy- "Hey.... Look at me.... A6d.... "
A6d looks at him and confuses how he knows him.
Boy- "It's me, your brother. I know you won't believe me but I'm not here anymore but I will always be with you. I see everyday they did to you, it was a bad thing. I want you to know that you are strong. I have to go now. See you in the next afterlife a6d. You've grown so much for 14 years since the last time I saw you. Always be with your caretakers no matter what. "
With that, the boy also known as a6d's brother disappears into the thin air. A6d looks so confused. Is that his brother or his hallucinations.
Dream- "SCP 308!! "
Before a6d looks who called him, he got tackled into a hug by 3 people. They all squeeze him into a tight hug which makes a6d almost couldn't breathe.
Sapnap- "Hey you okay? "
A6d doesn't respond because he's still confused what he just saw. He's not really sure if that is his brother or he's just having hallucinations.
Before a6d could think further, he feels something around his torso. It's the harness and Dream asks him to stand up and continue the walk. The 4 walk out the park and a6d looks back at the hill he fell before.
Dream- "Hey you okay? "
A6d feels a hand on his head as he looks at the hill.
Dream- "Is there something bothering you before? "
A6d shakes his head and they continue to walk back to the building. The sight of his brother haunts a6d's mind. He's not sure how he could tell his caretakers but he did what his brother said. Stays with the caretakers no matter what. He will never leave his presence away from them.

SCP 308 (Minecraft SCP AU)
FanfictionCover by: myself This is just an SCP AU, It's a Minecraft SCP au The story is about a6d who became a SCP creature after eating a weird flower he found in the woods near his home. He is now known as SCP 308. He sticks in the building that worked fo...