A6d wakes up in a room. As always, he never feels different. Everything is always the same. The door opens and he expects the guard to take back to the room instead it didn't happen. A6d confuses and turns around. It reveals the scientist that he met before but he's so kind. The scientist gives him a warm smile and a pair of fresh clothes. He brought him a large one since a6d's clothes starts to get smaller as soon as he got bigger.
Professor George- "It's okay, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm professor George by the way. I heard that your name is a6d but they changed it into SCP 308. I brought fresh clothes though."
The professor sits on the floor and gives him the clothes. A6d crawls towards him very slowly because he still has no trust on anyone. He stops and uses his tail to take the clothes. Turns out his tail is also a part of limb extension. Professor George laughs and secretly takes notes about it.
Professor George- "You're funny. Do you get what that means, SCP 308? "
A6d nods as a response. It's been 4 years and he finally got a contact with him?
Professor George- "Can you speak? "
A6d opens his mouth but no words coming out. He tries to talk but he couldn't.
Professor George- "Don't force yourself. It's alright if you can't talk. I guess you're not really an active speaker. "
A6d and the professor sits on the floor in silence. The silence is more like comfortable silence until the professor speaks up.
Professor George- "So, 4 years stuck in this building? Wow... We're in France by the way if you don't really know where you are. "A6d learns something from him, kindness... A6d experiences 4 years of no kindness.
Professor George- "Sorry that I can't touch you or anything because they will probably suspect that I'm being kind to the experiment projects. The rules in here are pretty strict. I heard that you bit someone, isn't it? That's really brutal but I understand why you do that. Do you still do that? "
A6d shakes his head as a respond of no. He looks down to the floor and covers him with his wings.
Scientist George- "You should change your clothes. Don't worry, the clothes you wear has the same design as the clothes I brought. Trust me, they won't suspect a thing. "
George turns around and looks away. A6d starts to change his clothes into something really fresh and he finally feels so much better. The clothes are really big which a6d really likes it. The professor turns around and smiles at him. He gives food and a6d confuses what is that. The professor laughs.
Professor George- "You need never see this kind of food for 4 years? No wonder.... They give you left overs, isn't it? Here take some, you need more than I do. "
A6d as always takes it with his tail because he still not trusts the man yet. He looks at food, sniffs, and tastes it. He chews it and stops. He has tears in his eyes and continue to eat the food.
Professor George- "Sorry that I can't comfort you. I guess talking is okay since no one will suspect stuff. "
A6d looks at him and gets closer to him but instead the professor moves back.
Professor George- "I'm sorry little one. It's not that I dislike you. Like I said before, I can't touch you or give you human contacts. I'm really sorry but I promise you that we will escape from this together. "
A6d rises his head up and wags his tail. He makes happy noises and the professor laughs. A6d finally has the chance to get out from the building after 4 years.
Professor George- "But sadly not today. We need to think first. Oh and I need to go right now. I guess talking to you is fun because you don't really judge much. See you tomorrow I guess. "
Professor George walks out the room and a6d finally smiles. He finally can escape the building and lives his original life. Maybe he could go back to his family after 4 years. A6d sleeps on the floor, not caring how cold and hard the floor is. He finally can get out.

SCP 308 (Minecraft SCP AU)
FanfictionCover by: myself This is just an SCP AU, It's a Minecraft SCP au The story is about a6d who became a SCP creature after eating a weird flower he found in the woods near his home. He is now known as SCP 308. He sticks in the building that worked fo...