Joffrey is now leading the building. He keeps the rules the same. He doesn't change anything. He needs to know how to get a6d in a soft way. He needs to gain his trust.
A6d is playing a ball until it rolls outside. Bad decides to put a cat door so a6d can get out without having a trouble for opening the door. He follows the ball until it stops in front of Joffrey.
Joffrey- "Oh hey SCP 308. We meet again and this must be yours."
A6d growls at him but Joffrey remains calm. He squad and gently picks up the ball.
Joffrey- "Here."
A6d at first hesitate whether to trust him or not. He slowly walks towards Joffrey and waits if he's going to do something. Joffrey just stands still. A6d moves another step and he is now close to Joffrey. He hesitate to take the ball from Joffrey's hand and he receives it without any problem.
Joffrey- "See? I'm not going to hurt you. By the way, are you hungry?"
A6d nods his head and he's waiting for his caretakers to come back with food. Joffrey gives him a biscuit and a6d eats it. Joffrey pats his head and walks away. A6d thinks he's not that bad at all. He's so nice to him. He goes to the workspace with his ball and continues to play with it again.
Joffrey sits down on the chair in his office and he takes out a list.
Joffrey- "Okay gaining their trust is done. Time to do another step."
A6d is still hungry because he only ate one biscuit. The door opens and reveals his caretakers. He jumps and hugs them.
Dream- "Hey, got your favorite food."
Dream put the shopping bad down and takes out a6d's favorite food, noodle and baguette. A6d wags his tail and eats the baguette and the noodle.
Dream, Bad, and Sapnap are doing something until a knock on the door. A6d decides to go out from the cat door. He sees Joffrey standing in front of the door. He informs his caretakers that there is someone in the front door. Bad opens the door and Dream and Sapnap decide to continue his work.
BadBoyHalo- "Oh Mr Joffrey, what a pleasant surprise."
Joffrey- "Good afternoon. May I have a little interaction with SCP 308?"
BadBoyHalo- "Little Muffin? Sure."
Bad grabs a chair and lifts up a6d who is playing with the ball. He put a6d on the chair facing Joffrey. Joffrey walks closer and observes his features.
Joffrey- "He seems soft."
BadBoyHalo- "The first time we got here, we thought he was hostile because looks can tricked other people. And yes, he's actually soft."
Joffrey- "I like him. His features suit him. Oh I gotta go. Work stuff as always."
BadBoyHalo- "Of course sir, take care."
Joffrey pats a6d's head and heads out. Bad wraps his arms around a6d and put his head on his shoulder.
BadBoyHalo- "He seems like a good muffin. What do you think about him?"
A6d looks at Bad with a smile and his tail wags. Bad laughs and kiss a6d's head.
BadBoyHalo- "I take that as a yes."
Joffrey sits down on the chair. He has done two steps, gaining trust of the caretakers and gaining trust of a6d. With that, Dream, Sapnap, Bad, and a6d will not suspect anything at all.

SCP 308 (Minecraft SCP AU)
FanficCover by: myself This is just an SCP AU, It's a Minecraft SCP au The story is about a6d who became a SCP creature after eating a weird flower he found in the woods near his home. He is now known as SCP 308. He sticks in the building that worked fo...