Chapter 7 (Torture)

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⚠Abuse and torture⚠

A6d is now 8 years old. It's been 3 years now. He still feels alone and distancing from anyone. He doesn't want to attack, all he does is defending himself and protect himself from danger. He doesn't know who to trust. He trusts his brother but he hasn't seen him for 3 years. He still has his bandana but he never takes it off.

One fine morning, a6d is in the corner facing the wall. He doesn't care about his surroundings anymore. He gives up on hoping that he will be able to escape. He overheard that he won't go outside forever because he's a part of the project. A6d doesn't understand the context but he manages to take the words 'won't go outside' meaning that he be stuck there forever. The scientists say that a6d is a smart one because 3 years of no education, he still manages to understand what people are trying to say.

The guard comes into his room. A6d no longer feels home, he feels like a prisoner. The room he stays feels like a  prison to him. The guard ties him up and takes him to the other room which is not the testing room. It's a room with torture. A6d notices the sharp objects in the room and tries to escape. The guard is strong enough and manages to pull back. A6d tries but gives up.

The guard takes off the iron collar and handcuffs and he walks out. A6d goes to corner and slides down. He feels broken in the building. Then a shadow comes up to him and drags him. The shadow reveals a person who works for torturing people. He is known as the torturer. The torturer is not alone, the scientists are also there to test him.

The torturer takes him to one of the his torture which is the rack. He handcuffs a6d on both his wrists and legs. A6d wants to escape but he couldn't. The torturer begins his torture by stretching a6d's arms and legs. Surprisingly, a6d can stretch his arms and legs very long enough. It means he has limb extension. The scientists take note of it. Even though a6d can make his arms and legs stretch long enough, he feels pain. Not that being limb extension hurts, the torturer pulls it too hard which caused him pain. A6d can make his limb longer if he wants to but not by force.

The scientists nod and asks him to do the other one. The torturer agrees and decides to tie the rope around a6d's wrist and ankles. He then takes a small matches and burns it. A6d starts to panic but the torturer grabs his neck and pin it down. The torturer lifts the left leg to show the scientists that he's going to burn it and then his matches closes and burns a6d's skin. A6d cries in pain because of the burn. The torturer removed the matches from a6d's leg and sees that it has a burn mark but surprisingly it heals fast. The scientists take note about it and a6d pants from the pain he felt. He can't take it anymore.

The torturer unties the rope and a6d starts to make his way to escape but sadly he's not fast enough. Even though he has wings, he can't fly. The torturer quickly grabs him and holds him, making sure he's not going to escape. A6d struggles to escape but the torturer grabs a small taser and tases a6d. A6d yelps in pain and passes out.

Professor #1- "Is SCP 308 really that stubborn? "

Professor #2- "As far as we know, SCP 308 is a child so he want to escape so bad from him. "

Professor #3- "Many scientists quit because of his stubbornness. "

Torturer- "Is my work here done? "

Professor #2- "Yes. I call the guard to pick him up. "

The guard comes into the room and picks a6d up. The guard walks down the hallway and goes into a6d's room, well more like a cell. He puts down a6d and locks the door.

Hours later

A6d wakes up in pain. He then realizes that he's in his room again. A6d sighs, not caring anymore. He still feels the pain that the torturer caused on him but he doesn't care. He falls asleep on the floor with tears his eyes. He just wants to feel loved again.

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