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Gilda was walking out from the room surprised, she's started running to find everyone immediately "Listen guys!" She's catching her breath.
"What is it Gilda? Is there an emergency?" Don Asked
"Yes! Emma! Emma has been awake!!" She cried

"I felt relief!!"
"Thank goodness!!!"

Everyone wanted to see Emma but it's bad for her to be in a crowd so Yuugo, Lucas, Ray, Gilda and Oliver visit her first, they ran on Emma's room overwrought..

"Emma, how's your feeling?" Ray asked

"Are you feeling better now?" Gilda asked

"Ray...Gilda... Yeah I'm good" she replied, she started looking at everyone's face, her sight was a bit blurry and she mistook someone. He's smile remind her a certain person.

"N-norman" She cried, she raised her left hand to reached his face.. Everyone was surprised and looked at Oliver, Oliver looked at them and he took Emma's hand and said,

"No Emma, it's me Oliver don't you remember?"  He smiled at her

She widened her eyes to assure that it's Norman, she felt a little dissapointment but thinking Oliver was safe makes her felt relief.

"Oh it's Oliver, I'm glad you're safe" she replied with a smile.

"Emma, you still need to rest" Yuugo said with his smug look trying to hide that he's worrying about Emma, but Emma knows that Yuugo is a kind person so she tried to tesed her a bit..

"Ehh??! Mister! I mean Yuugo, this is the first time I hear you call me by name!" She laughed.

"Shut up! You Antenna!!" he felt embarrassed Lucas,Gilda and Oliver laughed.

"This old man in front of you brought you back here, he's face does look grim but he's a kind person"" Lucas said he patted Yuugo's right shoulder and smiled.

"I knew it, thanks Yuugo you saved my life." Emma smiled at him.

"Lucas dammit!" He looked at Lucas who can't stop laughing, "I'm going out to smoke" he awkwardly walked away.

"Mister! Umm I mean Yuugo!" Gilda called him she felt a bit embarrassed.

"Huh?! What is it Prissy four eyes?!" He turned around.

"It's Gilda!!" She shout, "Umm thank you for taking care of my siblings!" She bowed

"Huh?! It's nothings tsk!" Yuugo walked away.

"Then we will leave you now, you can take rest" Lucas said, Emma nodded they about to leave but she called for Ray.

"What is it Emma?" Ray turned around he walked towards her.

"We need to talk about something" He can saw at her face that something's bothering her.

"About what?" He replied

"About Norman"
there's a quick silent but domeone knocked on the door,

"Come in" Emma said.

It was Gillian and Anna,

"Emma!!" They're happy to see her causing Anna to trip but Ray got her back.

"Whoo! It's close, thanks" Anna smiled at Ray it makes him blushed a bit.

"Uhm" he nodded

"We brought you your breakfast and clothes" Gillian said.

"Hurry up and fill up your stomach" Anna said

"Thanks!" She smiled and look at Anna"
"your hair's growing beautiful you know!" She gazed at it.

"You think so?" Anna felt embarrassed.

"Of course everyone knows!" Gillian she wanted to teased her

"I heard five person here has a crush on Anna!" She said and giggled.

"It's nonsense" said Ray on his smug look.

"Come on tell it!" Emma feels excited.

"Ehmm ehhmm" She clears her voice

"Nat,Thoma and Lannion I heard this three confessed that they like Anna!"

"That's impossible where siblings here right?" Anna said to everyone.

"Don't mind it, we're foster siblings after all" Gillian said

"Who's the two left?" Ray said, Gillian was surprised and she she stared at Ray's eye trying to teased him,

"I see.. Ray's curious who's the two left" she giggled.

"Nah, just say it already so I can go back to my room now" He said apathetically.

"What's wrong with you??!" Gillian asked she's a bit annoyed by Ray.

"Rayyii!! Don't spoil the fun" Emma said

"Don't tolerate her Emma and you Anna--" he pointed at her "--you need to study now"

"I will" Anna said in low tone voice.

"You can go back to your room if you want" Gillian said and giggled.

"Fine" he started walking away, he doesn't really interested in those kind of stuffs, protecting his foster siblings to show his love was enough, not until Anna grabbed his hand --

"Wait Ray!" Anna called him "Gillian her is so silly" she pinched  Gillian's cheeks so she can't talk. "Don't mind it we're leaving now, feed Emma please" she smiled at him but  jugding from her look she felt embarrassed and mocked. Ray felt it and he felt sorry, but since that day Anna didn't approach him.

She's a Lady and I'm Just a Boy (NorEmma & RayAnna Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now