Who is he?

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There is a new guy in town but it's like everyone knows him. It pisses me off. He looks familiar but I can't place it. That also pisses me off.

One night at my dad's nightclub he walks in. Then Mikey runs over to me. He looks at the guy and smiles.

"All the things I could do to that guy." Mikey says seducively.

"I bet I could do more." I teased.

"Wanna bet."

"20 bucks."

"That's it?"

"That's all I need."


"Deal?" I say smiling.

"Deal." Mikey says shaking my hand.

Then he comes over to the bar and sets down 10 bucks. He stared out at the crowd for a bit and then looked at me. He stared at me for a little bit, then he spoke.

"Can I have vodka, please."


I get him some and give him his change back and he takes it down in one gulp. Mikey watched him and looked at me. Then he whispered to me,

"I bet he is good at deep throating." he winks. I let out a soft groan in reply and he smiles at me. I then notice that Leo is staring at me. I look at the ground then he looks at Mikey.

"You really wanna know, don't ya?"

Mikey nods quickly smiling then Leo slowly inches his head by Mikey's. My eyes get wide as it looks like they are gonna kiss. Just as their lips are about to touch Leo opens his eyes and pulls back.

"Hmm hmm, you really thought I was gonna kiss you didn't you?"

"A little, yeah."

"Your hilarious." he says as he stands up and walks away. Mikey whimpers then looks at me. I look at him.

"Damn. He really teased you didn't he."

"He is my favorite actor and I love him so much. I just want one taste of him."

"Who is he?"

"Really dude?"


"His name is Leonardo Shang. His most famous movie is The curse of the Damned." Mikey says with 'duh' in his voice.

"The horror show?"


"I knew it. I knew he looked familiar." I tried to sound excited but I didn't sound it.

"I love him."

"He's okay."

Then my father walks up to me. I look at him and keep wiping the stand down. Then he grabs my shoulder.

"Your shift is over kid."

I nod and jump over the bar stand. Then Mikey and I hang out most of the time. I noticed that Leo kept looking at us. I'm not sure if Mikey did though.

"Raph, he keeps looking at us."

"Yeah? Maybe it's because you actually thought he was going to kiss you and he probably thinks we are pervs."

"We kinda are. Maybe he likes us."

"Keep dreaming. He's a celebrity. Why would he like two low life's like us."

"Dude, we aren't low lifes. Your rich and I'm the best athlete in town. We are known for shit dude. Especially you."

"Okay, but we ain't on the same level as him. Ya know that."

"So? At least we are higher than most here."


(Time skip to 3 am when nightclub closes)

We walk out together and I notice Leo standing outside near my car. Mikey and I head towards it since I offered to give him a ride.

Leo watches us as we walk over to my car. My car is a Mazda Furai in red. It's super sexy. My dad bought it for me one day cause I saved his nightclub.

Mikey gets in and I walk towards my side. Leo watches me. Then he speaks up.

"How did you afford that?"

"I used all my life's savings and I'm broke." I said in a teasing matter. He smiles at me.

"No, I'm serious."

"My dad bought it for me. He is richer than fuck."

"Mhmm. Who's your dad?"

" Daryll Fox."

"Is he a fox?"

"No, he's a man. I only wish he was a mutant."

"What's your name."

"Raphael Fox."

"Interesting. Well, I'm sure you know who I am."

"Oh yeah? Said who?"

"The way you look at me."

"Yeah? So I do know you...a little." he snickers. Then he pushes himself off the building and walks over to a McLaren MP4-12c in black with blue lights in the rims, blue headlights, and a blue light streak halfway down the hood, all the way across the roof and half away down the trunk.

To watch it light up was so cool. I immeadeately fell in love with the car.

"That's so fucking sexy." I ended up saying out loud. He smiled.

"It is isn't it. Well, maybe one day I will take you for a ride Raphael."

I nodded and smiled. He got in his car and sped off. I watched. Then I climbed into my car.

"Took you long enough." Mikey complained. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, your highness."

He smiled. Then I dropped him off at his house. Before he got out he leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back. Then he got out and swished his hips as he walked into his house. I couldn't help but watch. It was so sexy, HE was so sexy.

I drive to my own house. Across the street I see Leo's car. He pulls bags out of the trunk and walks into the house. I smile knowing that he lives across from me.

(End of chapter)

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