Filming pt. 2

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"The next scene is the same day, but now it is night. Ryan is on his way to meet his gang and do beat up random people and steal." The director says. We all nod and get ready for the scene.

I dress in jeans that hang down a bit, a black tee, and a leather jacket. Then I put on some Jordans that are red and black. I walk over to where I am suppose to be and I get on my skateboard. I realize that Raph walks in and then I get really nervous cause I don't wanna mess front of him.

He walks over to one of the dudes that are suppose to be in the gang. They do some handshake thing and then talk for a bit. The director calls out "30 seconds!" so Raph walks away from the guy and stands off to the side. I wonder if he realizes I'm in this...

The gang walk over to where they have to be which is in a skate park with dim street lights, here and there, lighting it up. Its really pretty...I'm guessing that's where Ryan, or I, am suppose to meet them.

The director makes sure we are all in our places. Then music started playing. It was rock, just instrumental rock. The camera men got ready and the director yelled, "Action!"

I push my skateboard to get it going and I ride down the streets to get to the skate park. I stop it in front of my gang and flip the board up into my hand. They walk around me and the leader, Tosh, walks up to me.

"Its about time you got here."

"Yeah, sorry. I had to wait for my parents to fall asleep."

"Mhmm. Well, we have patrollin' ta do. Go bust some heads, and get money."

We all ride on our skateboards through out the city beating people up and taking money, almoast getting caught by the cops a couple hundred times. Then at 2 a.m. I head home since I have school in the morning.

I quietly sneak into my house and up to my room. Once I successfully get my bedroom door shut I throw myself on my bed and yawn. Then I strip down into my boxers and lie down to sleep.

The director yells, "Cut! Take 5 people!" and I sit up then I put the clothes back on and the director comes up to me.

"Wonderful job, Leonardo. You never fail to impress us all with your stuuning acting skills."

"Thank you, director."

"Please, call me Manny. That's what everyone else calls me."

"Whatever you say...Manny."

We smile at each other and he walks away to speak to other actors. Then Raphael comes up to me. He smiles and crosses his arms. I slowly smile at him.

"Hey, bad boy."

"Its just for the act..."

"Oh, I know but I just had to call you that."

"I see. So why are you here."


"The cat?"

"No, the snowman. I was seein' if he melted yet."

I laugh at his sarcasm and he smiles. Then he pats my back and walks away. I watch him and start blushing when my eyes end up traveling down to his backside. Then someone calls my name and I spin around to look at them. Its Donnie.

"Great job, man. I always love watching you act."

"Heh heh, yeah. I know you do."

"Let's get outta here for the day. It is 7 p.m. anyways and I'm starving."

I nod and walk over to the director, "Hey...uh, Manny?"


"I'm gonna leave for the day, okay?"

"Sure thing, man. See ya tomorrow at 9."

"Yeah, see ya."

We smile at each other and I head out with Donnie. Donnie grabs my hand and tries to hold my hand. I pull my hand away and put it in my pocket.

"What's wrong, Leo?"

"Nothing....just not in a touchy mood right now."

He look at me worriedly but then he gets in the car. We get take out then we head home. All I do the entire time is think about Raph...but why? I mean, I know I love him but does he love me?

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