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When I get on shift Mikey comes up to me. I look at him and pretend he isn't there. I can feel him stare at me but I ignore it. Slowly it becomes irritating. I can hear him chuckle. I turn around trying to keep my cool. I get surprised at what I see.

It wasn't Mikey who was staring at me. It was and still is Leo. He has a little smirk and he is sitting by Mikey. I roll my eyes and gets back to work. Tonight I am not in the mood to deal with Mikey.

"Ya know, you have a cute butt." Leo says. 

"Excuse me?" I ask as I turn around.

"You heard me. I usually don't go for guys but you are just irresistible right now." He says.

"Are you drunk?" I ask bluntly. He doesn't respond.

A tall, olive green turtle walks up to him and they start talking in a different language. Come to think of it, its the same language that he sang that one song in. I know some of what they are saying.

"What is wrong with you?!" The turtle says.


"You do realize that tonight is the awards ceremony?"

"Yes, Donnie. I do. Why?"

"Cause if you keep acting like this, no one will like you."


I can't make out the rest of what they are saying. This....Donnie is very bossy. Like bitchy bossy. I hate it. If he wasn't so bitchy I might actually do him. As I get lost in thought I can hear Mikey in the background. One word snaps me back to reality, FUCK HIM.

"Whoa, what?" I ask mikey.

"I SAID, that I think you wanna fuck him."

"Fuck who?"

"The tall one."

"Uh.....why would you think that?"

"The way you stared at him."

"Where did they go?"

"They had to go to some award thingy."

"Mmm." I hum back in reply as I start to take care of orders.

Once I hand people their drinks I look at Mikey. He is staring at something. I follow his gaze to mutant cat.

Its tall and very muscular. It has brown fur with fire crawling up his legs and arms. It looks over at us and keeps talking to some other cats. Then it comes over to us.

"Yo. I want something hard. What ya got?"

"We got brandy, vodka, gin, tequila, Singani, rum, whisky, fern-" I get cut off by him, "I want rum....spiced." I nod and get him some.

Of course Mikey starts to flatter the guy. All Mikey wants is to be laid and not by me. I offered. Then he said no and gave me this whole list of why. I know one day he will give in and let me fuck him.

(Time skip to midnight)

I get off shift. Mikey wraps his arms around me. I stand as still as a rock.

He hugs me tightly.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Mikey?"

"I'm loving my boyfriend."



"Then why won't you let me fuck you?"

Once I ask that he backs up and sighs. Then he walks in front of me with a look that says,'I told ya before. Didn't you listen to a goddam word I said?' I look at him and keep a straight face.

"I told you why Raph. I'm not really ready for that in our relationsh-" I cut him off, "Then how come you will go do any other guy BUT me?"

"Because its more personal with you. With the others its just for satisfaction."

I had nothing more to say cause he has a point. I sigh and he walks up to me. He gently runs his hands down my plastron. Then he smirks.

"You know what I always wanted to find out about you?"

"What Mikey?"

"I read somewhere that turtle necks are sensitive. I wanna see if yours is."

"Its not."

"How do you know?"

"You touch my neck all the time."

"Do you have a reaction from it?"

"Psh, no."


He touches my neck. I shiver and cold chills are sent down my spine.


"See Raph? It is sensitive." I roll my eyes. He chuckles.

I look around the club for Leo. I see him but he is standing with the tall, olive green turtle....Donnie I think. Donnie has his arm around Leo's waist and his other hand is occupied with a smartphone. Leo has one hand on Donnie's hand and his other arm is wrapped around Donnie. His head lays on Donnie's shoulder.

The sight hurts me because I like him but he is with that turtle and I'm with Mikey. I wish things were different. Its not that I don't like Mikey....I love him but I just wanna see what's its like to be with Leo. Even if its just for a day.

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