"No...p-please don't!"

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Leo's POV

A couple weeks after I got the poison I took it out of a safe as well as a very sharp dagger. I put both objects into a satchel and strapped it over my shoulder diagonally across my stomach.

I walk out of my house with a tracker on the person who cheated with Donnie. I ran for miles until I reached an apartment building. I walked in and broke into the room he was suppose to be in. I could her talking.

Anger filled me as I heard Donnie's voice. I creep around the apartment. It was slightly messy but very large and beautiful. I turned all the lights off in the apartment an I heard a familiar voice and Donnie's but I didn't know who's it was.

I opened the door that they were in. It was pitch black. I heard some of what they said since they were mumbling...

"Don't worry baby, the lights are fine."

"N-no, someone turned them off..."

As Donnie spoke I grabbed the other man and covered his mouth. Then I pulled him out of the building and into an alley. I forced him to the ground.

"W-what are you....who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am. For what I am doing...I am going to give you a long painful death."

"I don't deserve it!!!"

"You had an affair with my boyfriend... Fiancé!!"

"I'm sorry! He told me he wasn't dating anyone!!!

I stared at him. I know him. He's Raph's dude at the bar.....


He opened his eyes.


I broke. My anger unleashing on him. I pried his mouth open and grabbed the poison. He pulled away and shoved himself into the corner of a building and fence.

"No... p-please don't!"

"You have no idea how slow and painful your death will be!"

"N-n-no!!!! Pleaseeeeee!"

He whined. He started to cry. I just realized that I was going to kill him. I backed up and put the poison in my bag.

"I-I'm sorry....I didn't mean to...I...."

"I told you I didn't know!"

He stood up wiping tears away. He stared at me.

"I-I I'm-"

"No. It's....just don't ever pull that stunt again with out talking about the issue first."

"Please don't tell Donnie!"

I begged him. He stared at me.

"Don't tell Raph."

He sounded so serious. It was different.

"I tell ya what," I began, "You take Donnie and I'll take Raph?"

Mikey smiled and nodded.

"It works for me."

We smiled and headed back to his apartment building.

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