Filming pt. 1

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Its the day of the filming for this new movie I'm in. I hope it goes well. I hate it when the directors get picky and tell you that you didn't do one thing right like, you didn't move your leg up far enough, or you didn't say that word properly. I just hate picky directors...I really do and hopefully the directors in this town are NOT picky.

I walk into my kitchen and get tea. Then I sit down and look over my lines. I read them over and over and over cause there is nothing else to do right now. I jump when someone kisses my neck. The person kissing my neck is....Raphael?



"W-what are you doing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!"

"Relax, Leo. You let me stay the night while they bug bombed my house."

"I did? Does Donnie know?"

"*sigh* yeah...he knows."

"Okay...good. Now, why did you kiss me?"

"Cause we datin'."

"No we are not."

"Heh heh, yeah I didn't believe it at first either but I asked you out and you said yes."

" that didn't happen...did it?"

"Unfortunately not. I just wish it did. I kissed you because I can."

"Don't do it again."


With that he walks away. After I finish my tea I get up and go to my room to get ready for the filming.

(Time skip to 11 am when he is at the studio)

The stage is having its final touches put on it. It look amazing. The school, the town, the house, my room, it just all looks great. A young man...a snow tiger man walks up to me. I get a feeling he is 'Frank'.

"Yo, man. You Leo right?" The man has an African American accent.

"Um...yeah. Why?"

"The director, Vince, wanted me to meet ya cause we, qoute on quote, 'besties since the 2nd grade that are unbreakable and super close and no matter what happens we stay besties'."

"Mhmm. I see. Well then...what is your name?"

"I'm Frosty."


"Heh heh, no. I would hate that name but that's mah nickname. Name's Aston Knickson, but you can call mah, Frosty."

"Why, Frosty?"

"Fur color and I came for Alsaka."

Right when he finished speaking the director called the cast over. There is a lot of people and mutants. I didn't know that this much mutants were in this town. I stood by 'Frosty' as the director explained the first scene.

"The scene starts with Ryan lying on his bed doing homework. Then his mother comes in and talks to him about leaving for the business trip in a few days. Ryan complains that they should bring him with them and that its not fair and they didn't give him enough time to think about it."

I walked on stage and lied down on the bed. I grabbed a pen and some paper that bad algebra on it. Once the director said "Action." I start writing while soft rock played in the background. Then 'mom' walked in. She sits down on my bed and looks at me, then she looks at the ground.

"Ryan, I need to talk to you."

"Yeah?" I set y pen down and look at her.

"Me and your father are going on a business trip in a few days and we are going to be gone for a week."

"No! You can't without me. I hate school, I have no friends, and I could use a trip out of state."

"Hunny, we can't. We would take you but we can't afford it...a d this trip is going to bring a ton of money into the house."

"Its not fair! You can't leave. I don't care how much money it brings in, it not fair!"


"RYAN! Stop yelling, now! We are going for the week without you and that is final."

She stands up and walks out. I, supposedly having a tantrum, throw things around. The I sit on my bed and put my head in my hands.

The director yells "Cut!" and I walk off stage. This director is either a non picky director or we are amazing actors. He walks over to me and the mother.

"Great job guys...y-you really blew e away with your performance. Marie, with your wonderful motherly acts, and Leonardo, with your amazing teenage boy acts."

We smile at him and he walks away. Then we smile at each other and I walk over to Donnie. He smiles and we hug.

"Like normal, you did wonderful."

"Thanks. I'm hoping this show is worth it."

"I'm sure it will be."

The director calls me over to do the next scene.

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