Real Life/Text Messages

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Ian's Pov: 

I need to fix this. Why is it that when everything is just going great, the universe works its magic? Nope, I can't blame the universe this is all on me.  But I knew to make things right I would have to have some very difficult conversations. And so I texted Kelsey. 


Hey, I need to talk to you.   

                                                                                   .                     Uh. Oh... that sounds like trouble. what's up?

And I had no choice but to lie, at least for right now. 


Will explain. See you in 10. 

10 minutes later I stood outside her apartment door.  I waited for the door to open and I heard feet shuffling, and one of the dogs barking. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I did not hear Kelsey call me in.  Ian, she said waving her hand to catch my attention. Huh, sorry. I replied, dazed. 

So what's gotten you in trouble this time? She says, smirking my way.  Hey! I'm not always the one to get into trouble and if I do you are the cause for it. I say casually. 

Yes, keep lying to yourself. Anyway, what's up. You sounded quite serious. 

Yeah about that... Nikki kissed me. I blurted out. I thought I would be relieved but I felt even more dread as I looked up at her properly for the first time today. I see her expressions change, her smile vanishing as she took in my words. 

Please say something. I felt dread looking at her standing frozen, speechless. 

What am I supposed to say?  Wow, congratulations on your new girlfriend?

No, but...

Then what Ian? What is it you want to hear?

That you like me because I know I like you. I spoke frustrated. 

You what? 

Yes, I  Iike you, Kels. I really do. I didn't mean to tell you this way. But if Nikki didn't actually do that I wouldn't have realized how strong my feelings were. 

Okay... but I still don't understand how I should be feeling right now. All of this is too fast, too soon, don't you think so?

Yes, but I can't control what I feel for you. It just feels right. 

It complicates stuff. Nikki's feelings for you, what you feel for me when I even don't know if I feel the same. But I know this much, I like you but it may take me time to reciprocate your feelings. All of this is so confusing. This is all too messy for me to deal with right now. I need to go. Just like that she walks away leaving me alone with nothing but silence. 

Kelsey's POV:

Ian Somerhalder likes me.   Feelings shouldn't be so complicated but they are right now.  But his words echo in my mind over and over again. I can't control what I feel for you. 

my phone beeped signaling a text from Ian.

Kelsey talk to me. Please.

Another one and they just kept coming one after another.

I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have sprung this on you. 

Please talk to me. I'm worried about you.

Please we can forget I said anything goes back to being friends. Just come back home. 

But what if I didn't want to forget everything? Part of me is hopeful that this could just work. There are a million reasons why it should, but also a thousand reasons why it shouldn't run in my mind. 

Forget the last text I don't want to back to how we were. I can't pretend I don't like you because I do. I have since I first got to know you because we hadn't met each other remember. Kelsey, there are a million reasons why I love you but this one is the most important. You and I may not have the kind of love that changes the world but I do know one thing, I need you to be a part of my world, my life. I'm going to try my hardest to show you just how much you mean to me no matter how long it takes. and someday when you are ready, I hope you allow me to tell you just how much I love you. 

I didn't open that text because I was afraid that if I did, it would change things. But I wish I had.  I  was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice a car heading my way. But when I did it was too late. The car crashed into me and sped off into the night, while I lay in the middle of the street, gasping for air. My last thought was Ian as the world around me slowly turned black. 

Ian's POV: 

I have left countless texts on Kelsey's phone. Serena and Paul have tried calling her as well but she didn't answer. Leo, Bailey, and Tucker were huddled together, their eyes fixed to the door as if waiting for her to come back. I pat each of them my eyes shifting to the door every few seconds hoping she would walk through the door.   

Around midnight my phone rang with a call from an unknown number. I answer not knowing that what a nightmare this night was going to be. 

Hello, am I speaking to Ian Somerhalder?

Yes, this is he. May I know who is speaking?

Sir this is Aaron Sanders, with the EMT. Unfortunately, your friend has met with an accident. I drop the phone. Serena steadies me and Paul picks the phone up and turns on the speaker. 

Hello, Mr. Somerhalder are you still there? 

Miss Kelsey has met with an accident and is in critical condition. We are rushing her to the hospital but her condition is severe. 

I don't even hear the rest of the conversation as I rush out the door. Only one thing occupying my thoughts.

Please let the girl I love, live. Please let her be okay. 

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