The First Day.

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Kelsey's Pov:
The drive to the TVD set was short a mere 15 minutes from my apartment. I parked my car and walked towards the entrance, smiling as Julie greeted me.
"Hi Kelsey, ready for our first day? She grinned.
"Yup I am." I smiled as I tried to settle my nerves. Let's do this.
As I walked in my jaw dropped to the floor. I looked around with absolute awe. Turning towards me with a smile Julie said "Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding House. Try to get a feel of the place, we are gonna be spending a lot of time in here." She winked at me as she said this.  I got a feeling that she wasn't kidding as I chuckled. My mind got to work imagining the scenes, with details.
As Julie walked me to through the set explaining how she imagined a character within the setting, I started getting a glimpse of what she really wanted: a show with sarcastic humour, yet a story that can connect with the audience.
I turned around as I heard a scuffle of footsteps. I smiled as a group of people approached us.
I immediately looked at Paul as he introduced himself.
"Paul. The pleasure is all mine. Perhaps you need a new nickname." I ruffled his hair with a smile on my face. He gave me a look, that was half shock half disbelief.
"You know how much time I spent making sure it's absolutely perfect? " He feigned annoyance as he tried to set his hair back to its original look.
"Opps sorry didn't realise you had a bad case of hairstyle. I know what your nickname should be: "Hero Hair. "
He still had that offensive look but smiled slightly.
"Hero Hair. I like it."
"Seems like it doesn't take long to raise your self esteem." I smirked.
"I like compliments especially when it comes from someone as pretty and sarcastic as you."
Already flirting with me, Wesley? Too bad you ain't my type."
"Don't mind him Kelsey, it takes him a little while to get over rejection." Matt laughed as he said.
"But he loves the attention he recieves." Candice said with a wicked grin.
"Ladies love me is all I'm saying." as he moved forward to give me a hug which I gladly returned.
"Keep dreaming Paul." I said sarcastically as I gave him a nudge with my elbow, as Paul doubled over with fake pain and a chorus of laughter filled the empty set.
"Can't believe you are already hitting on all the pretty girls, on the first day brother." Ian's voice echoed as he walked towards us. Dressed in all black as I was, he had a smiled that was so bright, that I got knocked off my feet for a moment. He greeted everyone with a hug, as he made his way through each and everyone. Finally as he reached me his grin was wide and his blue eyes, had a different kind of spark to  them that just captivated you immediately.
"Hi I'm Ian, pleasure to meet you Kelsey, again." As he said that he took my hand and kissed the top of it gently, his eyes never leaving my own.
I stood speechless for a minute and finally managed to get a hi out if me as I smiled. I couldn't help but notice the tingles running through my arm, and warmth flush my cheeks.
"Be careful of him Kelsey, he might just steal your heart with all his charm just like Damon Salvatore." Nina said cheekily, teasing me.
"That's what I plan on doing." He said sending a wink my way.
I hugged Nina and Kat who pulled me into a group hug. I smiled but saw that Ian was looking right at me with a smile on his face.

Julie clapped her hands and called our attention. Standing with her was Kevin Williamson, co producer of TVD.
"Welcome everyone, having this project come to life on screens was something that Kevin and  I debated for a really long time. But now seeing all these people in the room, the cast and crew together seems like we're finally on out way to make this a success. So thank you for being a part of this journey however long or short it may be, each and everyone one is important to the success of this show and we hope our efforts are rewarded with success.
Here's to a new beginning, new friends and success.  Cheers! "
Cheers echoed all through the rooms as people were smiling and getting to know each other as we would wbe working with each other for a long time.

We sat to do a table read of the first few scenes of the Pilot to help everyone get a glimpse of their character.

Scene 1: Elena meets Damon Salvatore.

Elena: "I can't believe you Caroline, for you to think that I would cheat on Matt. Guess what, he is the one that cheated not me."

Caroline: "It was just a kiss don't make a big deal about it. It's not like you haven't kissed guys before."

Elena:  "When it is a big deal to me when I'm trying to have a serious relationship with Matt, Caroline. You know what, I think I can't talk to you right now so I'm gonna go."

Caroline: "Fine be that way."

Elena ends up on Wickery Bridge and stops to stare at the water.
She leans over the railing letting her thoughts out.

Damon: "Hey there, hope you weren't planning on jumping into the water."

Elena: "What is it to you if I was planning to?"

Damon: "I don't want to go through the trouble of saving you, 50 seconds after meeting you."

Elena : "What makes you think I need saving?"

Damon: "I think you do you just don't realise that now. You need someone to love you to be loved, you need passion adventure and even a little danger."

Elena: "Who are you?"

Damon: "Damon, Damon Salvatore but you won't remember me anymore."

Elena: "why will I -"

Elena gets cut off as Damon speeds up to her side uses compulsion to make him forget her.

Damon: "See you soon, Elena."

He vanished from her sight as Elena tries to remember how she ended up on Wickery Bridge in the first place.

Everyone looks up and stares at me stunned for a minute before the room thunders with applause.  Julie spoke:
"That scene was amazing Kelsey. It had everything we were looking for: a heart to heart interaction, fiery  intensity in the first part, intensity between the characters and most of all chemistry. I think everyone at the table agrees that you did a fantastic job. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve."

As my eyes followed everyone I noticed a lot of bright smiles applause, everyone telling me that the scene was brilliant. I murmured a small thanks, blushing at the compliments heading my way.

"Damon has the best lines." Paul commented snickered.  "Kelsey make sure I have better lines please."

"I can't promise anything Paul." I said with a wink.

"We all know which brother she already prefers Paul." Ian says smiling over at me.

Oh don't I know it already. I thought to my self.

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