Something feels like home.

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Kelsey's Pov:

One Week Later:

I am getting released from the hospital today. My fractured arm sits snuggly in a sling. I'm sitting on the bed as the nurse checks my vitals. She takes my injured hand, trying to stretch it and I wince in pain. Sorry. It's alright I say smiling sheepishly. You won't be able to move the hand for a couple of weeks yet but keeping it still will hinder recovery.

The doctor arrives a few minutes later and clears me after scheduling weekly appointments. Candice and Zach arrive to take me home. I can't help but wince when Candice hugs me a bit too hard. "Oops I'm sorry." "Hey, no harm done at least I'm not worse for wear." I chuckle, shrugging the throbbing pain that settles in my ribs. Damn guess I'm not as good as I thought. Zach tries to cheer me up on the way home. As I near my apartment building, I feel relief but he zooms past and I give a confused look. "You're staying with Ian remember?" I groan. "He is gonna watch me like a hawk now isn't he? Worse." Candice and Zach say together. "Great." I slump back further into the seat annoyance clear on my face.
"Speak of the devil." I say as we stop in his driveway and he walks out, Paul and Nina right behind him. I barely step out of the car before I stumble. Two hands wrap around me stealing me on the concrete floor, for a moment I flinch as rapid pain shoots up my arm. "I am not gonna fall flat on my face I assure you. " I joke as the lines of worry slowly disappear replaced by tiny smiles.

"There she is. Ever the optimist." Paul jokes lightly.
"At least I wasn't the one who landed flat on his butt after dumping whipped cream on Nina's shoes. "

"Those were expensive." Nina reminds him that she hit him with a tennis ball and he slipped on the whipped cream and landed flat on his butt the cream going all over his face making him look like a snowman.
Everyone laughs and a weird tight knot loosens in my belly. I walk into the house settling slowly towards the couch. My eyes roam through the space trying to identify pieces that make the home his. Deep blue walls, with accents of wood furniture make the room feel cozy. Pictures hang on a wall. A picture of teenage Ian jumps out at me.

"This one would be perfect for Foetus Day!" I laugh.

"No." The simple word booms through the room. Too late. Nina snaps a picture from her phone.

Ian gives a sheepish smile and moves through the room. What crawled up his butt? He was behaving very weirdly, more weird than usual.

Everyone sticks around for a few hours or so before they leave one by one, leaving an awkward silence behind. Ian does not speak a word to me apart from constantly checking on me, but I feel his eyes following my every move. It's a little unsettling because I don't know what's going on in his mind.

"Did I grow another head or something ?"

"What the heck? No! "Then stop looking at me like that.

"I-I sorry." He hands me a mug of hot chocolate. I take it careful not to spill on my cast. "Care to tell me what's wrong?" I take a sip and look at him waiting for an answer.

"I don't know what to say I don't want to hurt or upset you more than you already are." "Well I'm already injured there's nothing you can do about that." I pause. "But what if I could?" His reply is immediate, urgent.

"You can't be with me everywhere, Smoldy. I'm bound to get hurt at one point or the other. Some you can heal and some which you won't, like this one. I raise my hand to show him holding back a wince of pain. But I feel there's something deeper to this than you are letting on."

"Seeing you hurt like this, it upsets me. Looking at you hiding your pain from me like you just did makes me feel like you don't trust me. You noticed." My voice is a whisper but he heard me because he shifts to sit right next to me. I trust you I say as I find my voice. "Then don't hide from me." He takes my face in the palms of his hands, I don't realise that I shut my eyes, because the minute I open them, I see irises of ocean blue looking back at me.

"So you will stop acting like a jerk and finally tell me what I think you are gonna tell me?" I smile slowly as I feel him register my words. "Do you know what I am going to say?" His eyes are shining, sparkling like stars.

"How about I show you?" Before I can steady myself, his lips crash on mine. My arms are around his neck as his circle around my waist holding me close, neither of us wanting the moment to end. We break apart heart beating fast, breath uneven.

"Wow that was... I wanted to do that for a long time. "

"I think you waited long enough." I say as I lean for another kiss. It feels like coming home, after being lost for so long.

Authors Note:
Hey peeps! I'm back! Enjoy the new chapter!

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