| 2 | Team Villians |

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This book was made by the creative Zuki_1245

Check out her other books!


"Oooo! We are going to focus on the villain team!" Tokage said with Mina joining in.


"I-I don't even know how to talk like a villain a-and they made me it-the villain leader." Midoriya said, his entire frame was shaking nervously as All Might handed him a mug of green tea and sat down on the couch of the Teacher's Lounge.

"What a wimp," Shigaraki muttered removing his father's hand to view the screen better.

"Wait, why is Midoriya and All Might having a tea party without Moi!" Aoyama pondered.

"It's probably because you'll glitterize the whole office." Mina snickered, watching as Aoyama huffed in her direction.

Midoriya caught Todoroki's gaze which deciphered; "I know he's not your father but what if..." and quickly signaled a no to the ice prince.

"Ah... It's okay, my boy! There's nothing to worry about. It's just a simple test. It's not like you'll really become a villain!" All Might laughed.

"Do I sense a foreshadow in the midst?" Tokoyami questioned but went ignored.

"Omg fam! All Might be saying "My boy" to Midoriya is so wholesome!" Mina squealed after trying to mimic his voice.

All Might smiled at his counterpart then at Mina who was vastly expressing her joy.

"Yeah, it's like their family or something," Kaminari spoke which cause one Todoroki and one Midoriya to froze stiff which Katsuki silently... nothing, his face was blank.

Kaminari who was only now realizing the awkward silence by the greenette became confused.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"But still.... I'm afraid that I'll lose this one badly. And not only me what about my team! Half of them didn't even wanted to be in the villain team! The rest just.... I don't think the rest were really interested in anything... I don't think I'll be able to maintain a proper teamwork among us." Midoriya sighed as he looked at the tea in his mug with a gloomy expression. He and All Might usually met in the Teacher's lounge everyday to talk about One For All after school but today's topic was a different one.

"Young Midoriya..." A voice spoke.

"You are an astounding student, and I may not fully understand why you believe you can't lead your team but I shall tell you this, from the day that we met you've been surpassing my expectations ever since." All Might stood from his seat and began to walk towards his successor.

The room felt like it wasn't there and began to glow in many colors which were all inviting.

"You are capable of leading this team because you have heart, and you never give up! Isn't that what's your name for?" All Might was now in front of him with his hands stretched out for a fist bump.

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