| 18 | Aftermath | •[100k Special]•

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"Hm, Aftermath?" Hawks repeated starting at the screen confused.

"Hey, Endeavour do you understand what this means?" Hawks asked patting the number one Hero on his shoulder.

"Stop that! ...I believe they are talking about the Aftermath of the war."

"Ah? Really! Thanks for what to expect from our number one~"

Y'all didn't expect this, did ya? I didn't either. But thanks for 100k and enjoy this short chapter! And hopefully, I'll write the sequel too or a story that follows the same timeline.


The very next day, after the Civil War had concluded with a perfect victory to the Villain Team, doing as instructed by the Principal himself, Hitoshi Shinsou made his way to Class 1-A.

"Ah, so we're starting from Shinsou-kun." Uraraka hummed sitting once again with the Dekusquad.

"It makes sense since we ended with him, the previous episode," Momo spoke.

"Why are you walking so stiffly?" Toga asked watching as the rigid teen ambled down the hallway. Both her and Jin were now under Nezu's control so for starters they sat closer to him.

Why can't I go back in time?! Sorry, Jin.

Today would be his first day in the Hero Course and through to be told, the purple-haired boy was kinda.... nervous.

"Oh, never mind then." Toga dismissed.

"I can relate, the day before we got to UA I couldn't sleep." Midoriya chuckled remembering how he watched the All Might debut on repeat until he fell asleep.

"Izuku, we can't forget how the week before you got the letter, you were so nervous you stared at a fish for twenty min-"

"Ah-ah-ah! Mom I remembered..." Midoriya, who blushed out of embarrassment, hid his face from view while his friends chuckled at him.

Yeah, sure he knew half of the class closely as he was part of their team, but the other half... Yeah, not very good. Considering the fact that he played one of the major roles in the Civil War that helped the Villains win, he could only wonder,

'What will the ones from the other team think of me..?' He thought.

"No worries, Shinsou-kun! If I had a grudge against someone for just playing their part then I'd be a huge hypocrite." Uraraka reassured while Tsu keroed in agreement.

"Uh, thanks I guess," Shinsou replied.

He feared that they would see him as a villain or something. And he never wanted to be in that situation. Not after remembering the words of his middle school classmates.

"Middle school can just die." Midoriya sighed causing others to look at him worriedly. Although you could see Bakugou flinching in the background.

Kirishima joined in with an affirmative huff. "I know right bro! Although being shut down for a year is enough for me."

Shinsou, although he was rather confused by the two lack of respect for middle school couldn't help but agree.

"Elementary school should just jump off a cliff." Midoriya breathed making sure no one heard that statement. Wow, my chest feels lighter!

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