| 30 - 10 | Track It Down |

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"I really love this story, it's so bad*ss!" Kaminari announced in the broken room as Toshinori swallowed the uncomfortable about of laughs and blood that was trickling from his mouth.

"Indeed Young Kaminari." His attention faced the bubbly brunette who was huffing in accomplishment, a feral-looking smirk on her face as her parents grew pale with every passing second.

"Ahem, Young Uraraka, you should probably sit next to us in the meantime." He gestured to the short woman at his side who was struggling to contain her giggles, finding the situation just as amusing as him.

Leaning a bit, she looked to see who he was talking about, eyes practically beaming like a supercluster of stars as she hopped toward Inko.


'OMG!!!' Mina's hollowed sclera expanded as she shook Kirishima furiously against UA's therapist.

"She roasted him!!! She deep-fried him till there was no crust!! Ochaco you rock girl!"


"Hey Todoroki, we need ice over here... This room is getting way too hot." Sero huffed as Shoto looked at his right palm before he was quickly stopped by Midoriya and Iida.


'How dare she insult Master!!' Giant teeth slammed against one another as he glanced at his boss that was wiping the insult off as if it was a brown stain on a white suit.

'Yes... There must be a reason.'


The next morning, the green-haired boy opened his eyes and stretched his arms. And like any other normal person who was kidnapped and being held captive by the Symbol of Evil and a bunch of villains, he looked around to see the time on his All Might-themed alarm clock. But he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw nothing on the desk next to his bed.

"Does Mr. Deku miss All Might?" Eri asked as her eyes clenched shut when Midoriya ruffled her hair giving a slight kiss on her growing horn.

Her pure happiness that fell from her mouth captivated those nearby as they unfroze from Uraraka's previous barbeque.

"Yes I do, but I believe it's more like a force of habit."



Midst on the opposite side of the room was a chaotic choir filled with gremlin noises to a high-pitched cat wheezing, yet all these noises were made by humans. People who were amused by Izuku's actions as well as trapped in their stupor from Ochaco's grill fest.


"Why do they sound like they're inhaling powder?" Toga hummed, her words lighting a fire as their intensity grew.


"The fact that I can see him doing this scares me ya'll," Yamada announced.

"I want that clock!"

He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes.

Oh yeah... He almost forgot.

"How?! Seriously bro, HOW?!"

"Months of planning, just to say you forgot?!"

"I'm not in my room, I'm in the villain's base..." He mumbled to himself as he replayed the previous events in his head. He was now in his new room. It looked pretty plain if you asked him. Well, everything looked plain without All Might to him and he was 100% sure that any of these people aren't gonna let him get some of All Might's merchandise. 

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