| 27 - 7 | His True Nature? |

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"What a questionable title." Best Jeanest bluntly spoke.

"The titles make me a lil scared." Pony admitted, giving slight trembles.

"Kacchan, pick me up I'm scared." Kaminari teased waving his middle finger at said blonde.


"HA! GOOD LUCK GETTING PAST SECURITY!!" Kaminari yelled back.

Eh? Security?! Koda thought surprised.

"You have such lovely friends Katsuki," Mitsuki said with a smile.


"Warning this chapter has a lot of profanity, you have been warned." Aoyama smiled.

You were a little late to say that... Alisha thought.


Blinking twice, our Phantom Theif awoke from his "slumber", Well isn't this a nice dish of Deja vu. He looked around confused until he was brought into a hug by his newest friend.

"Monoma-kun you're okay!!" Midoriya cried hugging the drowsiness out of the kid.

"Can't - breathe!!"

"Ah!! Gomen!" Midoriya apologized. Those nearby smiled at the act before Monoma sat up correctly with an awkward expression.

"So, what did I miss?" He asked innocently. Causing everyone to stare at him worried.

"You didn't miss much, but Midoriya is being held face to hand by the uglier version of Slenderman," Kendo explained as Monoma nodded slowly. His actions frightened Class 1-A a bit. Even when he was nice to half of their class there was still an aura of craziness around him. But there was none right now.

"Are you not going to question how you got knocked out?"

"I'm accustomed to it. And Alisha-san is telling me the details telepathically." Monoma explained.



"The title makes me anxious yet excited!!" Midnight clicked her tongue.

"What? The little listener's true nature is obviously that of a hero."

"But this is an alternative verse," Cementoss added. "Imma pretend I didn't hear that." Midnight smiled sweetly at her co-worker.


Midoriya opened his eyes slowly. He without a doubt had passed out for a good few hours. Maybe it was the next day already, but he couldn't tell because there weren't any windows in the area he was being held captive in.

Manga's face soon shows an image of a magnifying glass as he stared at the screen. "Is it just me who thinks the area Midoriya was in changed?"

"It did?" Sato asked the comic boy.

Wait, wasn't he in a small dimly lit room?

Sato hummed, understanding what Manga was referring to. "What keen eyes, Fukadashi." Nezu complimented as Manga bowed his face turning red.

This place was way bigger than that. Sure, the lights weren't on but there was this huge screen of glass plate from which light was coming into the area. It was probably separating the area and another room.

An observation panel.

"Was Deku-san rescued?" Eri asked confused. The room looked familiar to all the cop shows she saw on TV with Hado and Miss Midnight but her Saviour's expression made her doubt.

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