| 33 - 13 | The Scheme Continues |

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"-my impending death is quite fun. Right, Midoriya-kun?" Jeanist hummed, sitting on an adjacent couch away from the flustered greenette.

In front of them was the small screen, displaying all the blond had missed and rubbing salt on that fact with a slightly lower quality than the one in the theater.

"Even if it's a virtual me, I want to apologize!!!"

"It's alright, kid." The denim icon smiled, patting Izuku, who was bowing at the pro hero. His response was a shaken jolt before nodding with a smile. "That's a relief. You were being used although you're injured... I didn't want you to..."

"Feel awkward? Be upset? If your plans mean we have a higher chance of stopping All For One, I wouldn't think twice to play along." Hakamada admitted as a charred corpse listened with slight amusement.

'It'll take longer than expected to join everyone to react. Recovery Girl was mad enough that I had strained my injury.' Jeanist shook his head, watching as the boy's plan fell into pieces. Or so it seemed.


"You're not going to react?" Ibara was repeatedly surprised as she gently braided the vines in her hair. Before her mutated classmate could give a reason; she curtly closed her eyes, a soft hum seeping from her lips as she continued.

"Well, you had looked tired even before the earlier rampage. You also didn't seem to be the movie-type Bondo-kun." Feeling singled out, his hands awkwardly tapped at his sides while he nodded.

"I'm not the binge-watch type, so I think it'll be better if I stick this one out for the majority of the film. It's not that I hate it or anything like that, but I've also realized thanks to Pony that I sleep. A lot." He began rambling until he felt a hand on his shoulder; he didn't need to spare a glance at UA's fairy; Neijire, who spiraled downwards.

"Hey there!"

"Ah, Hado-Senpai! What are you doing here?"

"I overheard someone was staying here, so I was wondering if we could join." Her twirl ended at her pointed-ear friend trying to tug her back to earth. His eyes caught sight of the curious first years and froze, realizing that he was unexpectedly placed in the spotlight.






"Can I ask why you also want to stay here, Senpais? ... If that's okay with you, of course!!" Ibara added, breaking the silence.

"... Is there a sheet I could sign stating I wouldn't be in the reaction room?" Tamaki questioned shuffling around as his focus was broken from their potato heads, yet regained as his sights fell on the vines that were slowly untangling themselves from the braid as if it had a mind of its own.

Yet Ibara appeared unaware.

"Oh, I don't think so. Do you want me to bring one?"

"We can discuss that after. However, there's one thing you've got wrong..."

"It's not 'we' only 'me'... Neijire-chan would regret not watching it at the same time as everyone else, and she hasn't shown any uncomfortableness during the reaction. My reason is that everything felt way too stimulating, the lights were too loud, the screen was too bright, and the aura itself was chaotic."

"..I understand."


"Hey, hey Amajiki!! You can't cross me off. I can just watch the replay. It's no biggie! I don't want you to be alone." She defended, keeping her sentences quite short.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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