Chapter 15

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{ Ariana's POV }

"Hi Ariana" Scooter said

"Did you find someone?" I asked

"Not me but one of Kendall Jenner's followers has the same blood group as Y/n" he said

"Oh my fucking God really?"

"Yes, but there's a little problem"

"What is it?" I asked nervously

"He lives in Florida" he said

"Shit. We have six hours left" I said

"And the flight takes five hours" he said

"Can you please give him the private jet. I'll pay for the hotel and everything later" I said


"Courtney is in Florida. Do you have his address?" I asked

"Yes, I do" he said

"Okay. I'll inform her now. Wait where does he live?"

"In Miami"

"Okay thank God she's there as well" I said

I hung up and immediately called Courtney

"Court this is so fucking important. Can you do something for me?"

"Of course"

"Can you drive to the address that I sent you right now immediately and fly with that guy here to California. Just tell the pilot your name is Courtney and he'll let you" I said

"What why?"

"It's for Y/n. He's a blood donor and she needs the blood. He's the only one we could find with the same blood type as her" I said

"Oh shit. How serious is the situation?" She asked and I could hear her leave the house

"If we don't have him here in six hours she's gone Courtney" I said, my voice shaking a little

"Holy shit. I'm on my way right now. Does he know I'm picking him up?" She asked


"Okay I'll text you when we're in the jet" she said

"Alright Courtney. Thank you so much. I love you" I said

"I love you too bye"

I hung up and put my phone in my bag. I was holding Y/n's hand and I felt her move a little

"Hey" she whispered

She looked so fucking tired and her skin was so pale. She looked dead

"Hi baby. I have good news" I said and ran my hand through her hair

"What is it?" She whispered once again

I think she couldn't talk any louder

"We found a donor. Him and Courtney are on their way to California right now" I said softly

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