Chapter 43

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{Your POV }

I was on my way home, after finishing school when it started to rain like crazy. On my way I found a phone booth and decided to get inside of it quickly. I didn't want my bag and school stuff to get wet, I also had some drugs in it of course.

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my wet hair. The phone was pink which caught my attention. There was also something written on it with a black pen. I moved my head closer to it and read it. It said: "Tell her you love her."

"Shit, that has to be a sign." I whispered to myself.

It was super dumb but I grabbed the phone and dialed her number. I don't know why I didn't use my own phone, I guess I forgot I even had it.

{ Ariana's POV }

I just got out of my meeting with Scooter and went home. The second I got home I got a call from a number I didn't know. I was about to complain until I heard Y/n's voice.

"Hey babe." Y/n said.

"Hey baby." I said happily.

"You have anything against a little rain?" She asked.

I looked outside my window. It wasn't a little rain but nevertheless I said, "no."

"Okay. I'll be there in 20 minutes max." She said and hung up.

I was confused. I made myself a little ready and got a call again.

"Hey Court." I said.

"Hey Ari. This is so crazy. Y/n wrote a song for this band 'Why don't we'. It's called '8 letters'. I think it's about you." She said.

What the fuck?

"What?" I asked.

"Just listen." She said and hung up.

What the fuck was going on?

I decided to listen to the song while I waited for Y/n. I grabbed my phone and started the song.

"You know me the best, you know my worst, seen me hurt but you don't judge." I smiled at that.

It was really cute. I was happy that she noticed that.

"That right there, is the scariest feeling."

She was so cute.

"Opening and closing up again. I've been hurt so I don't trust. Now here we are, staring at the ceiling."

My poor baby. She had been hurt so much.

"I've said those words before but it was a lie. And you deserve to hear them a thousand times."

My breath hitched at that. A thousand things were going through my mind and I was feeling a thousand things.

"If all it is, is eight letters, why is it so hard to say? If all it is, is eight letters, why am I in my own way? Why do I pull you closer and then ask you for space?"

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