Too Soon

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Once Luke left, I made my way to my next class. I wanted to get this day over with as soon as possible.

While I was waiting outside of my history class, the assistant principle, Mr. Griffin, walked past me and into my class. At my school, students aren't allowed into the class until the bell rings, so I had to wait outside. A minute later, Mr. Griffin came out of the room and walked up to me.

"Brigitte?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied confused.

"Your mother is here. You need to come with me." He informed me. My stomach dropped when I heard that my mom was here. Why would she be here?

"Ok." I got up and walked with Mr. Griffin to the office where I found my mom, along with Jake next to her, talking to my principle, Mrs. McKafrey.

My mom turned and saw me. "Hi sweetie!" She smiled.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"We're leaving earlier that I thought." Fear struck me. Now all of my thoughts went to Luke. What was he going to do? He doesn't have enough time. I don't have enough time.

"Everything is taken care of." Mrs. McKafrey smiled to my mom.

"Thank you! We should be on our way now." My mom got up and headed for the door. Jake hasn't said anything the whole time. I think he knows we can't do anything, he's given up.

Jake and I walked out of the office and out of the school, knowing that we weren't coming back. While our mom lead us to the car, I looked over at Luke's truck that was parked in the same place as it always is. When I looked harder, I noticed Luke was sitting in his truck. I had to get his attention.

I nudged Jake to get his attention. When he looked over, I motioned to Luke's truck. Jake immediately bent down and picked up some rocks. He began to throw them at Luke's truck. Mom hasn't turned around, so she doesn't know that Luke is here. One after the other, the rocks weren't reaching Luke's truck. The last rock that Jake had, finally hit the truck. Luke turned and looked around the parking lot before he saw us. His eyes widened and I hoped that he got the message.

We reached the car with our mom and got in. "We need to make a stop at home first, then we're leaving." Mom said. Jake and I sat silent.

As we began to leave the school parking lot, I looked behind us and found Luke reversing out of his parking spot. I crossed my fingers that he was going to get me out of this situation.


Luke had followed us home and parked a few houses down so my mom couldn't see him.

"I did most of the packing, you two need to finish." My mom said. Jake and I got out of the car and went into the house, our mom following. I headed upstairs to my room and looked at the boxes covering my floor. Just a small portion of my room wasn't packed yet.

As I began to put the things in my drawers into some empty boxes I heard the front door open and my mom scream.

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