Chapter 4: River & Gates

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As the River draws closer with every step my stomach continues to flip. I ignore it as best as I can and board the canoe.

"Where to?" The skeletal figure asks me with a grin.

"Where else would I be headed to? The Gates, man," I said disdained.

"Of course. Yee better watch the boy. They know he's living," The slender figure said, pointing towards the boy.

I nodded. I knew the souls would, they know quite a bit.

I leaned over the slim canoe to look and sure enough there were spirits as ghostly white as the eye could see, swimming just below the surface.

I tucked the boy closer to me and wove a purple spell- a shield almost around the two of us, preventing the souls from possessing the boy.

I watched in slight horror as the souls rose up from the water, dripping, and splashed roughly against the barrier only to be sent sprinkling back into the waters below. Their screeches filled the air and I noticed the Guide cringe at their sound.

They were after the boy and were pissed that I didn't allow them to take him.

The boy in my arms shifted and blinked open his eyes.

"Mommy?" He mumbled, but once his eyes cleared, he screamed, "Where's mommy?! Who are you?!"

He jumped out of my arms.

"Little one, do not be afraid. Everything is fine. I am Rave. Your mommy is at home sleeping, safe," I muttered, softly, hating the way my words sounded so trusting and loving.

"R-rave? That's a pretty name," the boy mumbled and crawled back into my open arms.

I hated how openly trusting he was. I hated being the part Daemon I was...

"So what is your name, little one?" I asked, softly.

"M-my names Jake...where are we?" he said, shaky with fear.

"We, Jake, are in a wonderland, a dream and that is all you need to know," I lied, ever so perfectly. "Now sleep," I whispered, placing my hand over his eyes.

I sighed when the Sleep spell took over and Jake sagged into my lap with sleep. The souls around us had settled and the Guide relaxed, continuing his rowing. I leaned back relaxing as the spell still held up.

Once getting to the Gates what would I do?

Take the child to Lucifer immediately?

Take Jake home with me?

Leave it to the guards?

No. No, I'd take Jake to Lucifer myself as asked to... I needed to find out what was so special about him.. As to why Lucifer needed him.


I stared up at the ceiling and saw the reflection of water with the bright souls swimming along through them, I must have stared too long because the canoe came to a halt.

I looked up at the Guide.

"We've arrived, Rave." He grinned.

"Very well, thank you, Talos," I said, getting out and tipping him a gold coin.

He nodded, wishing me luck with my cargo, and pushed off.

I gazed up, upon the Gates of Hell.

The gates themselves were black metal, larger than a giant and thicker than a tree. The swirling patterns and spikes on the top of the gate leave it feeling intimidating to new comers, but to me it feels like a dreary home.

"Who dares enter the Gates of Hell?" Cerberus growled, stepping out of the shadows with it's three heads each a different expression, the most dominant being anger.

"Rave Blithe. I have brought back the child as requested," I spoke, loudly.

"Very well, the Gates welcome you," Cerberus moved from the gates and they swung open.

I walked inside, hearing the slam of iron gates close behind me.

I was home in Hytia.

Now to get to work.

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