Chapter 9: Gathering Necessities

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My body shuddered awake with a start. I nearly bounced off the bed if it wasn't for the painful pulls of my skin. I half sat up, half laid down, breathing heavy and confused.

How was that even possible? How could he even have kids? I assumed both Rulers were sterile and when one died, their worlds were left vulnerable until one of them was reincarnated.

I sighed, frustrated and laid back down.

"What is it?"


I gave no reply simply another groan of frustration and then yelled for Slick.

"What?" He grumbled, sounding very goat like.

"I thought you said I'd be better when I woke up?" I snapped, gesturing to my body which was so clearly still laying on the bed.

"You should have... Hmm.." He muttered studying me and then stepped closer.

Slick stared into my eyes for what seemed like ages and then gasped.

"You-you have- your-"

He couldn't even form a sentence, but I knew what he was trying to say.

"He's like that because he didn't know, did he?"

Sagiv's voice interrupted before I could say what Slick couldn't.

I shook my head at Sagiv. Not many Daemons knew about me being half Angel. And those that did ignored it because Lucifer kept me here.

"Yeah, I'm half Angel... Probably the reason I'm not healing so well," I shrugged and kept what I knew of the vision I'd had hidden. I desperately wanted to tell Sagiv of my vision, but it would have to wait.

Slick paled as he looked at me, but said, "Turn over let me have a look."

I stared at him, wary and he rumbled a laugh sounding much like a goat again.

"If I haven't killed you by now, you're safe.

I complied then, but Sagiv in my head told me otherwise.

"Don't trust him Rave, remember what I said. He'll only kept you alive for his little errand and after he'll probably try to kill you."

I nodded, slightly and Slick untied the fabric around me to get to the extent of my wounds again. I cringed as Slick's hands roamed over the long wounds on my back. The skin still felt sewn tightly together, but somehow looser. I almost cried out as he washed the wounds with a liquid alighting them on, what felt like, fire. I relaxed as another vial of clear blue liquid was poured on the wounds and I felt them loosening even more, the fire diminished.

Once I felt Slick- generous for him- tie the fabric back in place I sat up; the tightness was still there, but I could at least sit up. But sitting wasn't good enough, I had to see the wounds, I had to accept I'd never have wings I stood.

Sagiv was there, at my side, supporting me while I hobbled my way to the cracked mirror Slick had. The lightening was awful, but not as bad as before seeing as he has lit more candles. I turned around and craned my neck over my shoulder to look; I gasped instantly at the horrid sight- I had red, angry lines coursing from my shoulder blades down to my lower back. The skin was puckered together from the stitches and as I stared unwilling tears leaked from my eyes.

They were really gone.

I just couldn't get over it, but I couldn't stop anymore to think about it. I had to move on, do this errand, and get Jake... He hopefully wouldn't be turned.

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