Chapter 11: Ryu's Treachery

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Not even a full five minutes into the tunnel and it's frigid temperatures and sucking walls created blasting blizzard winds. I, now cringed into Sagiv and eventually after a little spell of protection I could stop freaking out about the winds and everything else....well not everything.

My shield was strong, but I- and it- could only handle so much. I looked at Laveda and she was gazing at the white light of my shield.

I barely heard her, but she whispered, "How...?"

I glanced away before she could look at me. Slick was still busy with his potions, not caring about the tunnel or my shield..or erm, anything. He was completely unconcerned.

I shrugged it off and gazed up to met the black, depthless eyes of the Kierans. They stared down at us and just as we floated in a little more they began screeching and retching their vomit. It hailed down and sizzled against my shield.

I flinched and Sagiv noticed.


"It's nothing.. The Kierans acid vomit just pokes at the shield."

"Only for now...wait till more start." Sagiv looked up with a snarl on his face.

I winced, the Kierans vomit sapped at my strength... Not a lot, but if they all started it would drain me down, making me lose the strength to hold the shield.

I watched as the Kierans vomit aimed for Talos, but he merely lifted his hood and it slid off, not so acid like for him.

I glared, damn his soul.

I looked up again and others began screeching and vomiting. I groaned as more hunks fell and slapped against my shield. I tried to ignore it and studied the walls of Ryu. The walls were blue, but yet looked like they were made of skin. They sucked, pulled and released in a rhythm that both looked like breathing and sounded like it.

The more I stared, the more I worried Ryu would eat us and the boat whole. I quickly looked away and down into the murky depths.

I wished I hadn't.

My eyes pierced the light water and below I watched as large tentacles swooshed around, reaching. I worried what else awaited.

More bats screeched and vomit poured.

My strength ebbed.

"Laveda?" I asked, softly despite the loud winds around our bubble.

"Yes?" Her voice was just as soft.

"What happens when my shield breaks?" I felt she had a good idea about the Sins for some reason.

"We may die or the Tunnel may feel merciful, which I doubt."

I looked at her. "Ryu can be merciful?"

"Rarely. If the Sins need you and Ryu can sense it, it will stop the Kierans and it's harsh winds. But the Sirens are another matter," she murmured, looking deep into my eyes.

"I see. Lets hope we're needed," I muttered, looking away and scratched Sagiv who purred ever so softly.

The Kierans continued their attack on my white bubble while the Tunnel of Ryu sucked and released; protecting its Sins from the intruders.

Every now and then I'd flinch due to the impact on the shield and all too soon I found myself lying down on Sagiv. Laveda blinked at me and looked as though she wished to help me or either that...flood me with questions.

I looked up at Slick and decided now was best to question if Ryu would help us.


He didn't look up; I winced again under the poking pressure that kept increasing.

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