Chapter 21: The Sins: Lust Part 1

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I was coming back into consciousness in phases. The first was my sense of awareness, the fact I was even alive; the beating of my heart. The second was my hearing. I could hear Slick and someone else discussing me and Laveda as well as Sagiv growling near me and Akyra letting out slips of growls here and there. The last step was opening my eyes which was the hardest part. It was the hardest because I was so tired. I just wanted to sleep and sleep, but now that I was aware of being somewhere else other than Pride's realm I needed to wake up.

Slowly and painfully I woke up. I stretched with each muscle protesting as I did so and just when I finished I urged my eyes to crack open.

At first I was flooded with dim light and then, my eyes adjusted so I could take in my surroundings. I was in a small red colored chamber which opened up to a huge glistening red chamber which I assumed was Lust's realm. What I was laying on was a bed of something soft- furs I believed- and next to me was Laveda still sleeping. The sound of voices drew my eyes to find the source of which was talking.

I immediately spotted Slick and next to him was a gorgeous man. At first I had thought it was Jake in Daemon form until I looked closer.

The man was shirtless and had long black hair that flowed in between his shoulder blades. His ears which had slight points to them, I noticed were glittering with piercings and when he turned slightly in the direction of Laveda and I, I could see he had a pointed smile and glowing golden eyes.

I shuddered. This was Lust, not Jake.

I glanced down at Laveda and back up at Lust and wondered how they were together. True, Laveda was gorgeous with her slim frame, long brown hair and bright, forest green eyes, but Lust himself seemed to radiate attraction and desire; he was someone who always got his way and no one could ever tell him no...who would want to?

No one.

When I looked back up I was greeted by an up-close-and-personal view of Lust and the effect was immediate. My stomach clenched and passion rose throughout my body making me hot and needy for release.

"H-hello," I choked out, the heat rising to my face.

I wasn't expecting his voice, I wasn't prepared.

"Hello," he said and in that one word he almost had me begging him to do the worst things possible to me, to take me right where I was. Laveda long forgotten in my mind.

He must have known the effect he had on me because his lips curved into a mischievous smile revealing his glistening fangs before he spoke again.

"I've heard about your travels and what you plan to do, but what I'd like to say is thank you for getting my Laveda to me."

I merely nodded and watched as he grinned even wider and reached out to stroke my face. I almost moaned, but let it slip out as a content sigh.

"Such a shame that I claimed Laveda when I did, she was such a little witch," he chuckled and turned to glance at his mistress. "She was always my favorite." He stroked her face, a pained look coming over his beautiful features making me want to wipe it away and shove Laveda somewhere else as jealousy coursed through me uncontrollably.

At his touch Laveda's eyes flickered and soon opened. I watched as she shuddered against his touch and a small smile lit up her tired features.

"'re awake, love. That was some fight you put up with Pride. I always knew she had a thing for me and was mad when I wanted you over her, but I never expected her to be so crazy," Lust murmured, stroking Laveda's face.

Laveda frowned, saying nothing and then looked at me with a bit of concern.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, finally finding my voice after Lust's sexy trance.

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