I Get Pulled Into Another Life

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As I was running out of the hospital there were a couple of people that were telling me to slow down or to go back to my room but I just ignored them. They couldn't possibly understand what I was going through. They couldn't possibly get it. Who cares though? It's not like anyone cares about my feelings. They probably just want me on medication to control me. It's stupid.

After about 30 minutes of running, I made it to the woods. As I was running, all I could think about was how people keep treating me like I'm different when I'm not. It's not fair and it shouldn't be this way. I studied my surroundings as I ran. I saw the houses and cars. Most of the houses were smaller than mine and most of the cars were small ones. You know, not a lot of trucks, SUVs, or vans. I saw a couple of fast food places on my way there.

There was this one house that caught my eye though. It was red with bricks holding it up. It had a black roof and had a window and garage for two cars. I don't know why it caught my eye. I guess it might be important or something but I honestly don't know.

I also noticed that there were a lot of fast food places on the way to the woods. Which didn't make sense because it was the woods and nothing was near the woods. Kind of suspicious if I do say so myself. Anyway, there were a lot of food places on the way there. McDonald's, Burger King, Hardees, you know the popular ones.

As I ran, my clothes shifted and my long brown hair blew in the wind. My clothes shifted and moved as I ran and ran. I didn't truly know what I was doing. All I knew was that I had to get away from those people. The doctor I wasn't so much mad at because he just wants me to feel better and stuff but my parents? The people that agreed with the doctor? How could they? It wasn't right. It was like I didn't even matter at all.

I tried to not think about the bad and the worst. I tried to stay positive but I couldn't. It was like everyone was turning on me and I had nobody. I guess I had Bella but what if she was a hallucination? I couldn't bear to think that she was. She's been with me my whole life. How could she be not real, a hallucination more or less? I couldn't believe it. Bella had helped me through everything bad in my life that has ever been there. Bullies, big tests, studying, just everything. Now, people were trying to tell me that she wasn't real? No, I won't believe it. I won't.

Once I got to the woods I went in deep. I maneuvered through the trees, plants, and animals. I passed weeds and many, many trees. I noticed how pretty nature was. It was incredible. Almost alive. I mean, nature was alive but not like this. I don't know it seemed weird. Once I got deep into the woods I sat down by a tree. I had my back up against the tree, pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs, buried my face into my knees, and started to cry.

Be honest, if someone just told you, you were crazy and said you had to go on medication, wouldn't you want to cry? It was almost impossible that I didn't want to cry. This whole situation is awful. Just awful.

I continued to cry my eyes out. I could barely see from all the tears being in my eyes. I could feel the tears stream down my face. I couldn't believe my mom and dad would just go along with that stupid doctor. It wasn't fair. Just because I'm different means I have to take medication. It isn't right. Just because people don't see what I see makes me crazy. Whatever, who cares right?

"I'm not crazy," I told myself over and over again. I won't believe I am crazy. It wasn't true.

The fact that the doctor even mentioned the thought of me having schizophrenia just makes me angry. How could he? Just because other people don't see Bella doesn't mean that I'm crazy and need to be put on medication. He just doesn't get it. My whole life people have bullied me. It wasn't just Jamie. It was everyone. I had no friends other than Bella. I try to pretend that everything is fine, but in reality, it's not. I'm all alone in this world, except for Bella of course. It wasn't fair.

𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕻𝖎𝖊𝖈𝖊𝖘Where stories live. Discover now