I Knock Myself Out

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So, I didn't think dreams would mean so much until right now.

Bella, Billy, and I all went into the courtyard and sat down on the ground to talk. Not the best idea given everything was dirty but we didn't care.

"So what was your dream about?" Billy asked to break the silence.

"So it was two guys talking and they said a poem," I said.

"What was the poem?" Bella asked.

I took a deep breath and recited what I heard in my dream. "The poem was:

'The One and The Seer must travel far,

To find the darkness in the bizarre,

To battle what might be their last,

To battle the differences of the past.'"

When I looked at Bella and Billy they both looked worried. I didn't understand why because it was just a poem.

"So, who was saying this poem?" Billy asked.

"Well, there were two guys. The first one didn't hold any significance I don't think but the second one said he was the great dimension traveler." I explained. "That can't be true right? I thought I was the great dimension traveler."

"Actually, Piloma, there's been plenty of dimension travelers. Generations of them. You are just the current one." Bella explained.

"So..." I started to say.

"So, once one dimension traveler dies, the next one is born," Bella explained.

"Oh, okay. 'Cause that makes sense." I said sarcastically.

"It's a lot to take in, no doubt, but we need to focus on what's important," Bella said.

"Bella's right, Piloma. This poem could help us get an edge for the battle. Or it could be telling us what we need to do." Billy explained.

"I think it's most likely the second one," I said. "What does it even mean?"

"I'm not sure," Bella admitted.

"I think we should tell Kayla about this poem. See if she knows anything." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Billy agreed.

We all got up and started to make our way for Kayla's cell. Could this poem be a clue as to what I need to do? Would I have to do it with someone? I didn't know. All I knew is that I would have to beat someone. And that someone had something to do with darkness.

As we ran up the stairs and down the halls, I saw people in their cells, looking like they had lost everything.

When we got to Kayla's cell I may have acted strange.

"Kayla!" I exclaimed.

Kayla jumped and stood up. "Jiminy crickets you scared me. What is it?"

"Piloma had a dream," Bella said out of breath. Billy looked out of breath, too. Don't these people exercise?

"Okay, what was it about?" Kayla asked me.

I explained what had happened in the dream. I didn't leave a single detail out. I included the part about the dimension traveler, the conversation, and the poem. When I mentioned the poem Kayla had a sudden realization.

"What?" I asked.

"I heard the same poem in one of my visions!" Kayla exclaimed.

"Seer say what?" I said.

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