I Talk To the Jailbirds

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As we were walking in, there was this sense of evil that I kept getting. It was kind of like you feeling paranoid like someone is watching you. It was like that except there were a million eyes on you, not just two. I kept thinking about how much it was like a scar. It was like nothing was here but depraved people. It was terrible.

As we walked through the jail, I couldn't stop thinking about how many people I might meet and how many people were sick or going to die because of no food or water. Or worse, who would lose their mind. I couldn't help but think I had to do something. Jail from where I come from is bad enough but this just seemed awful. Worse than what I know. I've never actually been to jail but I know for a fact that it isn't fun. Just being in this place for a few minutes, I've felt more dread and a sense of loss than I ever did in the normal world.

After a minute of walking down the hall, we turned into a room. On the door, it said something in an ancient language. I couldn't decipher or translate it. I'm guessing it had something terrible.

We walked in and there were so many prison cells I couldn't even imagine.

"These are all the people that got taken. The demons put them in these prison cells to keep them in a place they knew they would always be." Bella explained.

I nodded. I noticed that two people were in a cell together and I thought that couldn't be right. Now don't take my word for it, but aren't people supposed to be separated for prison reasons? That didn't make much sense.

"Who are they?" I asked, pointing to the two people in a cell together.

"I'll introduce you," Bella said as she led the way to the prison cell with the two people in it.

Once we got there I immediately saw the resemblance.

"Piloma, these are my parents. Dan and Mary." Bella introduced.

I looked at the two people. Dan was wearing a worn-out T-shirt, jeans, boots, and a blue cap. His T-shirt was blue with a soccer ball on it. I'm guessing he was really into sports. His blue jeans looked busted up. By this, I mean that they were really dirty and ripped. His boots were brown with black soles. Finally, his blue cap was a Yankee's cap. Again, he's probably really into sports.

Mary was wearing a white dress with blue dots, flats, and a headband. All of her clothes were beat up. Her dress had a rip like something had bit at it and wouldn't let go. Kind of like a dog wouldn't let go of your dress and you try to get away so it gets ripped. Her flats had dirt all over them which is understandable. Finally, her headband had smudges that I guessed had something to do with the black specs outside.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been here?" I asked them.

"Well, we were looking for Bella here for about a week, and all of a sudden we were picked up from where we were and we appeared in this cell. We've been here ever since." Mary said.

I nodded. "Right. So you've been here almost as long as Bella has?"

"That's right. We've been here for so many years we lost count." Dan replied.

I nodded again. I turned to Bella. "Hey, could you introduce me to some other people I need to ask them something?"

"Sure thing. You said you wanted to meet the Seer, right?"


"We'll meet her first," Bella said, once again leading the way to the prison cell.

As we passed other cells I noticed that everyone looked extremely sad and like they've already given up. I'll be honest, I'd be like that too if I've been here for even a year. Heck, I'd probably be like that if I was here for a week.

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