I Travel To Dead Land

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I wasn't sure what I was expecting to happen. Today was supposed to be a normal day at school and I had a panic attack, fainted, went to the hospital, and now I was getting dragged somewhere I didn't want to be. Life's great!

Once Bella took my hand I saw a million different shades and colors. A million different emotions and feelings. It was an incredible thing. To be able to feel the feelings that those colors were linked to. It was almost overwhelming but I didn't let that bother me. I've had to deal with more things than anyone could ever imagine. Bullying mostly but that doesn't matter now, does it?

When we were traveling wherever we were traveling, I couldn't stop thinking of my life outside of this. The fact that I would be missing how many days of school. The fact that my parents might be worried about me. The fact that I had no friends. And especially the fact that I had no idea what I was doing. I tried not to show it but I had no idea what was going on or how I was supposed to help Bella. I wanted to help, just didn't know how.

I looked around me. I saw blue, red, purple, pink, magenta, sky blue, grey, black, and pretty much every color the human eye could interpret. I also saw angry, sad, happy, confused, excited, and pretty much every emotion I could think of. It was incredible but also overwhelming and I wasn't sure how to explain it. I just looked in awe at all the colors and emotions. It was incredible.

After about 5 minutes more of looking at the colors in awe, we arrived at the place we were going and can I just say, oh no.

"We're here," Bella said with a sad look on her face, which was kind of weird because usually when you get somewhere you are happy. For example, when I was traveling with my parents, they smiled when they said that we were there. But Bella's face was sad. It could have to do with something about how everything was dead.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for traveling to new places but this place was just depressing. What do I mean, you ask? Well, everything was dark for starters. It was kind of dark and kind of light at the same time. Like it was light enough to see everything but it was dark enough to where you'd think light couldn't get through.

I studied the new place. I saw these weird black specs floating around. What's up with that? I asked myself. Then I noticed something I wish I never saw. I walked up to a tree and touched it. The spot I touched kind of crumbled and fell to the ground. It turned to dust. This is creepy. How could a place full of nature be dead? That doesn't make any sense.

Oh, did I mention that the place we were at was exactly like where we'd come from but different somehow? Well, it was. It was an alternate reality. No, don't be stupid. Alternate realities don't exist. I reminded myself.

I touched the ground, and it was dirt but it didn't feel like dirt. It was almost lifeless. I wanted to scream. How could someone do such a thing to nature? Nature is supposed to be full of life and well beautiful. It isn't supposed to be whatever this is. This just isn't right. I don't get it, but I promised myself I would help nature if it was the last thing I did. I will find out who did this and end them. They won't know what hit them.

"What happened here?" I asked Bella sadly. I looked up at her as I said this.

"We aren't sure," Bella admitted.

I stood up. "What do you mean, Bella?"

"Well, it's been here ever since I got here. We aren't entirely sure who did this or what is happening? All we know is it always looks like this. Dead, lifeless. We are trying to study and figure out what's going on but we have no idea. It just doesn't make sense, but neither does magic." She explained.

I looked down at the dirt that seemed to be dead then back up at Bella. "So what have you figured out?"

"Well, the scientist of our group, told me to bring him some samples of some of the plants." Bella started.

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