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𝐍𝐎 𝐓𝐖 ;; car ride with the sleepy boys after a day out


The rain was lightly pattering on the roof of the car, some low music playing in the background. "Everyone still alive back there?" Phil looked into the rear mirror, watching as Tommy's eyes droopily watched all the trees go by.

"Barely." The grumble came from Techno, who'd begrudgingly gotten stuck right in the middle of Wilbur and Tommy. Usually he'd be up at the front by Phil, but their picnic basket took that spot up today.

Letting out a soft chuckle, Phil focussed back on the road ahead. This was the quitest the bunch had ever been, and he couldn't help but want more of it. "Are we nearly home?" Wilbur asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes as he peaked over the chair to Phil.

With a quick glance back to the brown haired boy, he lightly shook his head. "Sorry mate, we'll be another half hour." A loud groan was heard from Wilbur as he knocked his head on the window beside him.

"You're gonna give yourself a concussion-"

"Shut up Techno."

"Oh my god, both of you shut up, I want to sleep."

Tommy had piped up at the end, sleepily glaring at the both of them who rolled their eyes. "Sorry your majesty, we know how much your beauty sleep means to you" A smirk rose in Techno's face as Wilbur bursted out into laughter.

Phil had to butt in before the three could start a war inside their Mercedes-Benz. "Alright, take it down a notch, why don't you all try sleeping?"

After that, the noise level decreased by a considerable amount, only low grumbles to eachother every so often. Now it was silent. Almost to silent. With a raised eyebrow, Phil looked in the rear mirror and his heart crumbled at the sight.

Tommy had his head snuggled into Techno's shoulder as the older boy had wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling his little brother closer to him. On his other side, Wilbur had twisted his body a little, having his back pressed against Techno's side.

Whilst Techno's head was leaning over the back of the seats. 'That one's gonna hurt tomorrow.' Phil winced, but internally he was melting at the very sight of them. His children. His boys. The things he cherishes most.

He made sure to find the softest route back home, making sure none of the bumps would disturb any of his sons. It was only about ten more minutes before Phil stopped in his driveway, turning off the engine and just sitting in silence.

Glancing back, he didn't have the heart to wake them. A few murmurs slipped from Techno's mouth as his eyes cracked open a little. "We home yet, dad?" He slurred out, and Phil just smiled, leaning over to place a gentle hand on his sons head.

"Just go back to sleep."


𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗣𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗜𝗦 𝗜𝗡𝗖 ✔Where stories live. Discover now