530 13 1

TW: mention of death, violence ;; tommy, alive, prison = angst for life <3


 His head ached with an unbearable pain. The last thing he remembered was seeing his brother's concerned face looming over his collapsed body.

"IT WORKED, IT FUCKING WORKED! Oh Tommy- me and you are going to have some fun." The maniacal voice of somebody who'd lost their sanity, Tommy's head whipped round to face the man. Dream. His eyes were wide and his arms were making many theatrical gestures.

Shuffling away from the crazed blonde, Tommy let out a sigh and moved himself nearer to the exit. "Come on- where's that burning anger that used to boil in you!?" Dream sneered, grasping onto Tommy's shirt, shoving the boy roughly onto the obsidian walls.

Only a slight wince came from him, but mostly he held a raised eyebrow. Did Dream really think, after everything he'd been through, that he'd care? Death didn't scare him anymore, he knew exactly what was waiting for him. He'd prefer to see Schlatt of all people over being on a server of people that couldn't care less for his well-being.

"Do you really think I care?" "What-" A low chuckle came from Tommy's mouth as he stared Dream in the eyes. It wasn't what Dream expected. He could tell that much from the shocked expression dawning on the manipulator's face.

"I don't give a fuck about anything. The sooner I get away from this server, the better." He hummed out, slipping from Dream's loosened grasp.

But Dream made no move to grab him back. Instead stumbling backwards to curl into himself, muttering incoherent words. Tommy knew he'd lost it but he didn't realise to what extent. He supposed that's what he got, for being the shittiest person on the server.

A loud shout brought him from his inner conversation, and he heard the recognisable sound of Redstone works. He glanced over his shoulder to lay his eyes on a panicked creeper hybrid, "TOMMY! HOLY FU-"


It was like a punch in the face, a practical beating. He watched the boy's body collapse limply from the security cameras, he'd been to late. No matter how fast he ran, how hard he felt like murdering Dream, nothing was good enough to save Tommy.

That weighed harshly down onto him, the guilt of what had happened. Though Puffy made daily check-ins to remind him. "It's not your fault." She'd say, "Dream's a monster." Sam knew it must be hurtful to call your own son a monster, but it was the truth.

He couldn't even think about the prison without remembering the blood-curdling screams that he heard over the cameras.

Perhaps that was the reason he'd asked for more guards at the prison, nobody had yet to respond to his plea though. That's what left him alone at the prison. He swung in the chair lightly, watching the security with a sombre expression.

Nothing interesting was happening, Dream just sat looking awfully suspicious in the corner of the room. Ah, just the same as every other day then. But he looked away for one second, to check his communicator.

One second where he expected everything to be the same when he'd returned.

When has anything ever changed so drastically in one second?

So why the fuck had he turned back around to a hardly sane looking Dream and- Fuck. Tommy? The blonde's eyes were dulled, his eyebrows raised in what Sam could see as amusement. His body immediately reacted, grabbing onto his communicator, he launched himself down the stairs and through all the quicker routes.

It had only taken a moment before he was on the bridge, crossing over to the boy he'd grieved for not to long ago. He was standing, looking slightly beat up, but alive nonetheless. This was like some sort of messed-up miracle.


Sam yelled out when he hopped off the platform, watching Tommy carefully as he lowered the barrier. "You- don't even try get out." Pointing a sword in Dream's direction, he ushered Tommy over to him.

Guilt formed as he clung to the back of Sam's jacket with a shaky grip. "Sam, your here." Tommy mumbled. After wrapping one arm around the boy, he motioned the him onto the bridge, turning back to Dream with a piercing glare. "I'll be speaking to you later."

The two made it to the other side, Sam catching Tommy as he collapsed to the floor. "Your okay, I'm here. Your not going anywhere near him again." He whispered reassurances into the boy's matted blonde hair, wiping away a few tears that came cascading down his cheeks.

This had to be a dream, Tommy was safe in his arms. God, he was not letting the boy anywhere near this place again. Not anywhere near Dream that's for sure.

First course of action was to clean the wounds, they weren't awful but they could easily be infected. He clenched his fists. How had he let that monster beat the living daylights out of a child? Looking down with soft eyes, he noticed Tommy must've fallen slump against him, sleep taking over.

Brushing a hand through his hair, Sam tapped lightly on his communicator, sending a quick message to Puffy. Who he knew would want to know about this.

Awesomedude: tommy's safe

CaptainPuffy: are you serious?

Awesomedude: kids passed out in my arms

CaptainPuffy: any injuries?

Awesomedude: definiely, not vital but coudlx be ifnfected.

CaptainPuffy: your getting stressed, bring him to mine, he can stay at mine until we get in contact w philza

Awesomedude: does phil even care?

CaptainPuffy: hes gotta have some care, i remember tommy speaking fondly of his childhood.

Awesomedude: ok ok, i'll bring him over now

CaptainPuffy: see you in a bit sam


A/N: legit didnt spell check this BAHAHAHA, ig its not rlly sbi based BUT tommy my beloved. hope yalls enjoyed this definitely not rushed and totally okay chapter thats totally sbi based mhm yes, i mentioned wilbur and phil like once it counts guys it counts <3 awesomedad before he became a dick muahs. BYE GUYS STAY SAFE!

ahem this is the 2nd time ive uploaded a 1shot w out the nsme... and it just says untitled part........wtf im sorry yall I DONT KNOW WHY I DO IT

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