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𝐓𝐖: 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ;; wilbys in a mood ab tommys behavior, rants to phil, tommy hears


Tommy remembered when he'd gotten adopted into the family. He was around seven, and lived on the streets, he'd been fully capable of taking care of himself but Phil had ended up making a compromise with him. Soon enough he'd been adopted and he met the twins, Wilbur and Technoblade.

At first he was a nervous wreck, stuttering all over the place and he was terrified of the two. But the more time he spent with them, the more he became a lot more dependant on his family rather than himself, he started looking up to his brothers. 

By ten he'd came fully out of his shell, and to put it lightly, he was a little shit. He'd get in fights at school, always steal things from his siblings.

It wasn't ideal. Even Tommy himself knew it, but being allowed to be himself for the first time in awhile- He just couldn't help himself. Luckily, it wasn't an issue for awhile and it amused the family how boisterous the young boy was, it wasn't an issue until it became one. Things went downhill when Tommy overheard an argument Phil and Wilbur were having.

At around 8pm he'd gone downstairs to grab a glass of milk to send him off to sleep, but he hid round the corner when he heard angry yells coming from the kitchen.

"He's awful! I've had it with that kid-"

Tommy's eyes slowly widened as he realised who they were talking about. Was Wilbur shouting all these horrendous things at- him. A few sniffles escaped his mouth as he thought about his loving older brother despising him, was he putting on an act all these years?

"Wil, he's a child you've got to understand!"

There was a harsh sigh that came from Wilbur's mouth that made Tommy flinch back into the wall, but he didn't dare move, he'd make to much noise and then be spotted.

"HE'S ELEVEN! Techno was already in the fighting rings at that age!"

"Don't bring me into this, and calm the fuck down." Techno's voice was new, Tommy hadn't known the eldest was in the room, it made his stomach curl uncomfortably as he realised the only person really protecting him was Phil. "He's a mistake, our family was fine without him." God. Did Wilbur really think all these horrible things about him?

He hadn't noticed the tears streaking down his face until they dripped onto the ground with a quiet thump. "That's my son and your brother." The harsh tone in Phil's voice made Tommy smile, but that smile only lasted for a second. "The kid steals shit, breaks it, gets into fights. He doesn't deserve to be here!"


Wasn't anyone going to say something against it?

Did they all just think about him as a problem?

Two shaky hands covered his ears and he turned his snively face towards the concerned one of Tubbo, who muffled out the loud voices. Like that was going to do anything he'd already heard everything he needed to know, but the comfort was nice. Wrapping his arms around Tubbo, the sobs racked his body and time seemed to still for everyone in the room.

"Did he-"

"Obviously, idiots."


He could feel Tubbo glaring at all three of them, and it made him snuggle closer to the boys chest, at least he'd always have his best friend. Tubbo was adopted into the family only a year ago, but he and Tommy were as close as if they'd been born together.

"Are you happy, Wilbur? You probably just fucking traumatised him, how would you feel if the person you looked up to like an older brother ranted about how much he hated him." Hearing Tubbo swear made Tommy let out a little giggle, earning him a hair ruffle. "I'm putting him to bed, when I get down all of you talk."

A sigh left the petite boys mouth as he softened himself up for the snivelly eleven-year-old in front of him. "Come on Tommy Toms, lets head up for snoozes now?" With a simple nod coming from the blonde boy, Tubbo latched his hand in Tommy's and slowly pulled the boy towards his room.

With a fleeting glance he noticed the somber face on Technoblade, the apologetic face of Philza and Wilbur, who looked a mixture of frustrated and mortified. He couldn't bring himself to care as he headed up to this bedroom. If he heard Tubbo going mental at all three of them, nobody needed to know, maybe things would be better tomorrow.

He supposed not though.

But a kid can dream.

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