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TW: mention of blood ;; stranger things au with bench trio and sbi <3 a kinda rewrite of the first 20 minutes of st episode 1 cus i thought it'd be cool


The room was quiet, tension rising as all participants waited for Tommy's next words. "Something is coming...it's hungry for blood," Tommy smirked as he noticed the paled look on both his friends faces, "A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness." They were all the edge of their seats, looking nervously from the board to Tommy's purposefully 'spooky' face. Perhaps it wasn't as scary as he'd imagined it to be, but it did the trick.

"What if he's lying?" Ranboo questioned, causing a light smack in the leg from Tommy who glared, "Shut up Ranboob- or your going first." A roll of the eyes came from the tall brown-haired boy, but the silence struck once again. "It's almost here..." The whispery voice of Tommy piped up, causing a large in-take of breath from Tubbo who leaned in eagerly. "What could it be? You reckon it's the-" A hand flew out to silence Tubbo, it obviously belonged to the rambunctious blonde who huffed at them all. "I'm the story-teller here, you guys shut up and play the stupid game."

They'd all been playing the campaign for practically hours, with little complaints from parents, luckily. Tommy supposed they'd gotten used to how attached the three were with the game. Once he'd tried to get his brothers involved, clearly Wilbur would rather be strumming some ugly-ass guitar than playing a cool game with his younger brother. Technoblade had called him a nerd and stumbled off, so he'd recruited his closest friends to play with him instead.

Tubbo and Ranboo. The three had been friends for as long as he could remember, all growing up in the SMP together. They'd gone to school together, learnt to ride their very first bikes together- practically like brothers. Though you wouldn't hear him say that out-loud.

"It's the Demogorgon isn't it?" Ranboo asked nervously, shooting glances to Tubbo who was practically biting his nails. There was no way the two of them would be able to defeat that creature by themselves, the two were already clinging onto each-other in fright, "I-It can't be right? We should've cleared-"

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Tommy slams the figurine onto the bored, causing it to shake, "Your all safe for now." The relaxed sighs from both his friends makes the blonde roll his eyes. Next time he'd get them, he'd hit 'em with the Demogorgon and then he'll laugh maniacally. "Told ya." Tubbo chuffed proudly, shrugging his shoulder like he wasn't about to piss himself earlier on, causing a rambunctious laughter to come from the others which Tubbo eventually joined in on.

But it wasn't over yet, not by a mile. They weren't safe. Tommy had something up his sleeve, as he clutched the book in his hand tighter, "Wait a minute..." Laughter ceased in the room, "Did you hear that?" He had to hold in his chuckles at the horrified faces, they were in deep-shit. "That- that sound." Banging his fists on the table with a mischievous grin on his face, Tommy yelled out, "THE DEMOGORGAN!"

The figurine is slammed hard on the table as groans are heard from all around and Tommy smirks triumphantly. "Are you joking? Tommy!" It was getting darker outside, as the street lights slowly flickered on, but the boys payed no mind. "Tubbo your action!" A panicked look crossed the younger boys face as he scrambled to figure out a plan and Ranboo grabbed hold of his arm in a light grasp, "Use protection Tubbs- you got this." Though his reassurances helped ease the nervousness radiating off Tubbo, Tommy knew exactly which option Tubbo would choose, and his friend would have to role a 13 or higher to be able to cast that powerful spell.

"But what about Fireball?"

"To risky, man, you HAVE to protect!"

"The Demogorgon grows tired of your constant human whining!" Well, Tommy supposed that was a good enough way for him to say 'stop bickering like a married couple and do something'. "It stomps towards you." Oh, stress was building up in the room. Ranboo was sweating, fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt nervously, eyeing Tubbo quietly almost as if to urge him to make the right move. Their lives were on the line. Well, not technically, but it felt like it.



"HE ROARS IN ANGER!" Tommy yells out, the sound echoing off the walls as Tubbo chucks his dice across the room with a shout of 'fireball'. Oh god. No- no, they couldn't lose it now. "Shit- everyone look now, where'd it go?" The blonde shot up from his spot on the chair, rummaging on the ground for any sign of the dice. Was it a 13- Was it lower? Was it higher? Soon enough the other two had joined him in a frenzy, all desperately searching for the missing piece. If they found it, they'd be able to end the session with a completed quest.

They just had to. "Where is it?" Ranboo shouts, crawling uncomfortably on the ground as he bumped into a lot of shelves due to his height. "I-I don't know!" Tubbo calls back with his voice-cracking slightly. Panic is on.

All of them shove objects, chairs, anything in the way to try find the missing dice. Sweat forms on Tommy's face as he searched, there's no way they could end it, he had to know if Tubbo got the fireball. He heard the anxious ramblings of Ranboo as his lanky body was nervously pacing up and down the basement-type area they played in. "Tommy!?" His name was being called by somebody, he recognised it as his older brother Wilbur and rolled his eyes, paying no mind.

When it was called again, but with a more angered tone, he looked up with a huff, "Wilbur- can you not see we are in the middle of a game? Have some respect." Wilbur was stood at his tall-ass 6'1 height, hand on hip as he stared down at Tommy with an unamused expression. "Dad said end it now, it's fifteen after." A devastated look dawned on Tommy's face as he stood up from where his friends where busy searching and stomped up the stairs to Wilbur, giving his older brother a pleading face.

Complaints came from in the basement but Tommy followed behind Wilbur, practically chasing him into the kitchen where he spotted his father cooking for dinner. "Come on, just 20 more minutes dad!" Tommy begged Phil who let out a sigh and continued cutting the onions, giving his youngest son a disapproving look. "It is a school night Tommy Watson. Why can't you just finish next weekend?" Phil questioned as a groan came from Tommy. No way his father had just suggested that, it would ruin their flow!

You can't stop an hours long campaign till next weekend- what kind of psychopath would you have to be to do that? "I'm serious, dad! The campaign took weeks to plan, how was I supposed to know it would be 10 hours long..." The young blonde looked sheepishly at Phil who turned with a shocked expression, "You've been playing for 10 hours!?" This was getting nowhere. Second option, his older brother.

Tommy rushed over to where the pink-haired man sat on the couch, lazily scrolling through the channels on un-interesting shows. "Techno! Your a humble man, what do you say about 20 more-" Techno just scoffed, "I think you should just listen to dad and give up." Tommy scowled at him, grabbing a pillow and chucking it at Techno before running back into the kitchen; ignoring the loud yells coming from his brother.


 A/N: bit different to the usual one, cus its an au n all, and i promise ill get back to the normal sbi filled chapters just felt like doing this one cus bench trio hours ESPECIALLY SINCE THE MEETUP HAS GIVEN ME SO MUCH LIFE. if yalls havent seen the streams n stuff of ranboo in the uk i demand u watch them <3 have a great day/night yall, stay safe!

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