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𝐓𝐖: 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐙𝐀 ;; tommys report card comes home and its not looking to good


Tommy's hands shakily held his report card in his hand. They'd handed out the reports in school today, and Tommy had been absolutely sure he'd at least get a B. All of his Easter break he spent studying with Techno, who'd offered to tutor him.

But now looking at his F's and D's, all he could see was their disappointed faces.

Clutching his backpack closer to him, Tommy pushed open his front door and peaked his head through it. "Hello?" He called out with a raised eyebrow, not seeing anybody. That was strange, they was always someone here to greet him.

Then he heard a laugh coming from the living room and went to investigate. "Oh Wilbur! I'm so proud of you, getting a B+, even in the subjects you weren't strong in...well done!"

Shit. He'd forgotten everybody else got their reports to. Tommy was screwed, absolutely and utterly- "Tommy! Your back." Wincing at the volume of Wilbur's voice, he put on his usual grin and waltzed over.

"B+ hey? Not bad for an idiot."

"Pfft, like you could do better gremlin child."

That hurt him a little, hearing his older brother say that, but he didn't let it show. Phil turned to him with an expecting look. "Where's your report card Tommy?" His father questioned, sitting down in his comfortable seat.

"Oh..uh- I didn't get it!" Phew. Good save Tommy. If he convinced them he didn't have it they won't check- "Tommy its in your back pocket." Techno pointed out, causing the blonde haired child to shoot him a glare.

Laughing it off nervously, Tommy reached into his back pocket and grabbed it shakily. "Um- would you look at that! There it is...heh." Phil didn't think anything of it as he put out his hand expectantly in front of Tommy.

Letting out a huff, Tommy shoved the report card into Phil's hand and stared off into space. Not wanting to make eye contact with anybody. The two older brothers watched with slight concern as Phil's eyes widen dramatically and he turns to Tommy with a sharp gaze.

"What is this Tommy!? I thought you studied with Techno-"

"I did!"

"Then why are you getting F and D's?"

The authoritive and angered tone of Phil's voice caused Tommy to flinch back slightly, biting his lip nervously. "Well I- um, don't know." His lack of a good enough response caused Phil to let out a distressed sigh.

"Tommy your getting to a point in life where this actually starts to matter, this isn't one of your silly block games now, its the real life." Hearing his dad call the game that meant everything to him 'silly' broke him, now he could tell Phil was angry.

"I'm sure there's a mistake dad, he studied really hard-" Techno tried to save Tommy when he noticed how uncomfortable his little brother looked in the situation.

In the heat of the moment, Phil quickly spat out.

"Why can't you be like Wilbur or Techno? Everything's so simple with them."

A silent gasp came from Tommy as Wilbur and Techno looked at each other with a panicked expression and then back to Tommy who looked ready to cry his heart out right about now. "Because I'm not them..." He mumbled in response, picking at the skin on his nails to distract himself.

"Speak up Tommy, I can't understand you when you mumble-"


Phil would've taken a step back if he wasn't in his chair, but when he looked at Tommy's face he knew he'd said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry..." With those words, Tommy took off to his room, Wilbur following closely behind as Techno just stared at both directions with shock.

A shaky breath left Phil's lips as he tiredly put his head in his hands. "You shouldn't have said that you know." Techno grumbled out, coming to stand next to Phil. "I know...but I just got so angry, I don't want him going into the real world and being so- lost."

Techno was never the best at comforting, especially not with his father but he couldn't just leave the man to grieve in silence. Putting a gentle hand on the older mans shoulder. "Your just looking out for him, but it was still harsh, he deserves an apology."

Giving Techno a stiff nod, he let his eldest son retreat to his room, away from the drama whilst he was left in silence. He couldn't even bare to look at the report card, how was that boy meant to get a job if he's living off these grades?

With a stressed groan, Phil let a silent tear drip down his face as he leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes.

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