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𝐓𝐖: 𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐄 ;; techno babysitting tommy + getting mcdonalds


Techno didn't know how he'd been stuck with looking after the youngest, and non-debatably the most annoying brother. He remembered coming down for the morning and seeing Phil already heading out somewhere and Wilbur wasn't in the house anywhere. That caused him to raise an eyebrow.

All he really understood was 'going out' and 'babysit'. The two worst words that could ever be spoken because that meant, he was babysitting Tommy for the day. As an English Major with lots of essays to hand in for a short amount of time- This was a nightmare.

It was 10:00am when Tommy decided to get his lazy ass out of bed. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he stumbled down the stairs to only see Technoblade. "Where's the others?" He yawned out, wandering off to the cupboard to grab some pop tarts.

"Out somewhere, god knows."

"So I'm stuck with you for the whole day?"

That gained a glare from the pink-haired man, and a loud laugh from the gremlin child. With his toasted pop tart, Tommy fell onto the couch, scooting up annoyingly close to his older brother. "Go away. I'm doing school work- HEY!"

Tommy had snatched away Techno's laptop and stared at his screen with a raised eyebrow. "What is this Shakespearean mumbo jumbo..." Techno let out a gruff laugh, using his strength to overpower his younger brothers latch on the laptop.

A few moments of silence ensued, which Techno didn't mind at all, but it had to end somehow. "Take me to McDonalds." Tommy demanded, looking over at Techno with narrowed eyes. "Your paying then-" A groan came from Tommy as he sulked over the couch.

"Tommy, your literally making more money than most adults by playing a block game at 16 years old." Giving the boy a pointed look, Tommy stopped his sulking for a moment before letting out an even louder groan, making Techno cover his ears. "Your the adult Techno, pay for my food!"

Letting out a sigh, Techno shut off his laptop and stood up, cracking his neck slightly before turning to Tommy. "What are you waiting for then, I could easily change my mind." He wasn't going to lie, the happiness that rose in Tommy's face after he said that made it worth it.

After grabbing a wallet, the two hopped into Techno's car, fighting over the music for a couple minutes until Techno gave up and let Tommy put something on. Anything to get the boy not to complain to Phil about his babysitting skills.


Tommy practically screamed the lyrics to Happy Together by The Turtles, and Techno's mouth curled into a smirk as he kept his eyes on the road. It only took till the end of the song before the two made it to the nearest McDonalds.

Techno was practically dragged into the McDonalds, complaining about not being able to just take the drive through. "You wouldn't get the same vibes." Was what Tommy said, making Techno terribly confused. "Oh forget it, your to old."

If they weren't in a public area, Techno would totally beat the shit out of his younger brother for that comment.

"Can I have an uhh- plain cheeseburger with a coke, please?"

"Your so boring Techno."

Giving the kid a glare, he sighed and nudged him to tell the lady his meal order. "I would like a chicken nugget happy meal with a chocolate milkshake, thanks!" When the lady passed them their order number, Techno let out a silent laugh.

Tommy raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you snickering about?" He hissed out, knowing it was definitely about him. "Nothing Happy Meal boy." That earned a whack on the arm from Tommy, as the boy started some sort of screaming match with him, causing them to cause quite the stir at the small restaurant.

Before they got even more weird looks, their meals were called out and Techno dragged Tommy out before he could suggest to go to the play area. There was no way he was going to sit and wait whilst his 16-year-old brother goes and plays at the McDonalds play area.

They'd gotten relaxed in the car and Tommy practically snatched his meal from the older boy, who just shook his head lightly before gently grabbing the rest of his food.

Luckily, Tommy hadn't decided to scream any lyrics to the songs as they both enjoyed their meals in a comfortable silence.

"Wilbur's not gonna be mad we got McDonalds without him- is he?"

"Oh shit, he's going to be so pissed."

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