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A/N: just realised id never done an authors note on this story before so uh, HELLO! im lavie the lovely author of these oneshots. i really hope everybodys been enjoying them so far, im on a tight schedule with exams but ill try getting more up! also i recommend listening to 'everybody loves somebody slowed', you can find it on youtube! its what i listened to for writing ideas for this chapter, this chapter was a little rushed but im hoping its just as good as normal. if any of you have any ideas for a oneshot, send them my way, dms and comments always open <3


𝐓𝐖: 𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊, 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ;; tommy realising he'd been replaced


When he'd been revived by Dream in that prison, Tommy's main thought was getting out to see his family. A smile rose on his face when Sam mentioned he'd seen Phil around lately. 'Maybe he's come to find me!' Tommy thought hopefully. His time with Dream had been awful, it reminded him of when he was locked up in exile, but now things were different.

He stopped in his tracks when he remembered his feud with Technoblade. "What's wrong Tommy?" Sam asked in a concerned tone, tightening the hand he had wrapped around Tommy's shoulder comfortingly. "I doubt Techno wants to see me, I betrayed him..." With a heavy sigh, Tommy's eyes turned downcast.

"Your his brother, I'm sure he'd love to see you again- you guys can work on the issues when your safe with them." Ruffling the younger boys hair, the creeper hybrid smiled at the bright look that dawned on Tommy's face. It'd been awhile since he'd even seen the boy at all, originally he'd blamed himself for Tommy's death, but now he realised it was Dreams fault.

Dream had done so much to harm the boy, the least Sam could do was take the boy to his family, and keep him safe where he failed before hand. Trudging through the snow, Tommy curled up closer to Sam, recognising the outline of a certain house. "There it is! That's my home!" Tommy pointed out excitedly, he most likely would've rushed out had it not been for the fact it was freezing and heavily snowing.

Giving Tommy a hair ruffle, Sam took him closer to the house before they were finally at the doorstep. "I'm safe now Sam, thanks for looking after me." Tommy's lanky arms wrapped tightly around Sam's middle, and he had to admit he teared a little at the thought of parting ways with the kid. He'd grown attached quickly.

But he deserved to be with his real family, and Sam sure as hell would support that. "Call me if you need me Tommy!" With a wave, Tommy was alone on the doorstep. It reminded him of running from exile, ending up at Technoblade's door. Loud noises from inside the house interrupted his train of negative thoughts, it sounded like rumbles of laughter. 'I wonder what's going on...'.

He didn't know why he was frowning but he decided to listen closely instead of waltzing in.


"OH- PFFFFT, that's not how it works Ranboo- here, let me show you!" Phil chuckled as he watched Ranboo trying to brew a healing potion in their new stands. "Um, sure! Thanks Phil!" Although Ranboo's awkwardness got the better of him, he smiled, feeling oddly comfortable in this place.

"Anytime, your practically like a son to me." That had came so nonchalently that it spooked Ranboo, and he whipped his head round so fast with a hopeful look. "I-I you really think so?" A hand brushed gently on his cheek in a gentle motion, Ranboo leant into the touch with a slight purr. "Of course, Techno has a bit of a soft spot for you, and that's rare-"

That gained a chuckle coming from Ranboo as he curled himself closer to Philza, he didn't really mean to but nobody had comforted him the way Phil had. "Both you and Techno are my sons, always will be." What the two didn't notice nor hear was the sobbing boy outside of their door, only a few steps away. He couldn't even move, his whole body was racking with sobs as he heard the two in the room.

Phil had basically just admitted he didn't see Tommy as a son, like 8 years of his life weren't spent with that man practically raising him. The young boy felt like he was hyperventilating, it was possibly the worst time for him to have an attack.

Not here.

Not right now.

Not in front of this doorstep.

After taking a few deep breaths, Tommy held onto the railings to pull himself up with a pain in his eyes. Maybe he shouldn't stay with his real family. Did he even have any real family? Had they gone and replaced him? Yes, yes they had. 

It hurt Tommy mentally to have to admit it but they held no care for him and he was only just realising that.

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