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𝐓𝐖: 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓, 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ;; phil leaving wilbur to take care of tommy all by himself


Wilbur watched with downcast eyes as Phil and Techno heaved backpacks onto their shoulders, he could almost feel the weight of the world starting to collapse on him as he watched them near the door to leave. Phil's done this before, as soon as Techno turned of age the two started going travelling a lot, leaving Wilbur to deal with the youngest, Tommy.

He loved Tommy, he really did. But he wasn't Tommy's father figure, Wilbur was his brother. This time- maybe he could stop them from going. Shuffling over to the doorway, he reached out and tugged lightly on Phil's shirt, making the blonde-haired man turn and smile at his son.

"So...When are you coming back?" It hurt his heart when he heard the hearty laughter coming from Phil, like the man didn't understand how much this hurt Wilbur. "Don't worry Wilbur, it won't be too long." Won't be too long? Wasn't that what he said when he left for 2 months and 21 days...last time Wilbur had counted.

Clearly his father wasn't catching onto the signs, the signs that he didn't want him to go, that he didn't want to be left alone to take care of a toddler when he could barely take care of himself. Maybe he could try one last thing- he hoped he'd never have to do this because he really hated even the thought of it.

Wilbur's gaze moved from the ground to Techno, his older brother, who stood there with a grimace on his face. Like he didn't know that he was favourited. Like he didn't know the affect his and his dads actions were having on his health and wellbeing. There was a pleading look on Wilbur's face as tears sprung to his eye, and he stared intently at Techno.

For one moment it looked like the pig-hybrid actually felt some sort of remorse or guilt, but it changed back to his neutral look in a second. "We'll be back before you know it!" Phil chirped out, the happiness in his tone making Wilbur's hand clench at his side. Wasn't this illegal? Leaving a child unattended, and even worse...leaving a child unattended with a literal toddler!

His body shook with pent-up anger, he loved Phil so dearly but sometimes he wished Phil hadn't adopted him or Tommy, maybe they could've ended up somewhere else where they were actually treated right.

"That's what you always say..." But his voice wasn't heard over Phil's booming 'Bye son!'. And he was left alone, to stand in the doorway with his head facing the floor, not daring to look back up. Grabbing the doorknob, Wilbur slammed the door shut tight, clenching his teeth in frustration.

That's when he heard the harsh cries of a baby and he almost jumped from his skin. "Tommy!?" He yelled out in panic, racing up the stairs in a hurry, hoping his little brother was safe. The door almost fell of its latches as Wilbur let out a breath when he saw the boy crying in his cot, snot dribbling down his nose but not in harms way.

"Tommy...?" Wilbur mumbled out, freaking out slightly as Tommy's crying became louder and more erratic. He tried to think of what Phil would do in that situation, nothing came to mind...but then he remembered seeing a woman rocking her baby to sleep in public. A small smile basked the young boys face as he reached down to grab Tommy's small, squeamish body.

The boys arms were flailing and most likely leaving bruises on Wilbur's body, but he just shut his eyes and whispered calmly to the toddler. "Shhh." Petting Tommy's soft hair with a hum, he felt the boy start to calm down, and the tantrum turned to sniffles until he was peacefully dozing off on Wilbur's shoulder.

Exhausted. That was the feeling he felt right now, how long would he have to deal with this for? Placing Tommy back in his cot, Wilbur's hand stayed clutched to the railings of the bed until he collapsed to the floor with a choked sob. This was it, he was finally breaking. Maybe he'd send a letter to Phil, and beg for him to come home, maybe he'll actually remember that he's their actual father and that he should probably come back at be one.

No. If Phil didn't want to be involved in their lives then so be it. He'd raise Tommy all by himself, he wouldn't rely on their fa- Phil anymore, they'd be fine without him. Then Phil will realise the mistake he made. Leaning his head on Tommy's cot, the boy tiredly smiled as he peaked through the bars to spot Tommy's small features peacefully sleeping, unaware of the battles to come.

"It's just me and you now Toms..."


a/n: i hope you all enjoyed! the idea came to me from a tiktok, i cant remember the account but if you recognise it anywhere please tell me in the comments <3 sorry its been awhile, exams n stuff!! stay safe everyone 

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