Chapter 7 Trusted Enemies

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The feeling of cold slapped Link's face as he awoke. He gripped the soft sheet that engulfed him in warmth. Link's eyes fluttered open for a few seconds taking in his surroundings. He seemed to be in a hospital...but how did he get there?

Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching. Thinking fast, he shut his eyes. The steady footsteps drew closer. The empty hospital echoed the slightest sound. Not a single voice was heard. It was unnervingly peaceful and quiet. The person's footsteps quieted suddenly almost to silence.

At first Link thought it was Impa since it was awfully similar to the way she walked but something felt different. He dared a peek, and it was Impa. But something seemed off. Her eyes looked blank and dead. A hint of madness glimmered in them.

The second that Impa saw his eyes open she charged at him with a sickle. Link yelled and rolled over, barely missing it. He fell on the cold hard floor and groaned in pain. Link hadn't fully processed what was happening and his injured head wasn't helping. 

Impa marched over and swiped at him again. He dodged again by rolling under the bed quickly. His fuzzy brain sharpened as the adrenaline kicked in.

Why is Impa attacking me? What in Hyrule is happening!

Link realized in his fuzzy frenzy to get away from Impa, he ended up being in a worse position. Under a bed.

Maybe I could speak with Impa. Why is she trying to kill me?

"Impa! Impa what are you doing?" Link yelled out from under the bed.

He saw Impa's feet pacing toward him then dropping down on her knee, making direct eye contact with him. Instead of an answer she swiped at him again. Link decided that Impa would not listen. 

Link had to escape. 

He rolled over to the right, away from Impa, out from under the bed. Link shot up quickly and shoved the bed as hard as he could towards Impa. It took a lot of force, but it went straight into her legs. It knocked her off her feet. Link stumbled back and almost lost his footing. 

The dark night reflected the mood of the room. His blue eyes seemed to be the only thing illuminating the room. Link struggled to get to the door. He hadn't fully recovered from his injuries. Impa was faster and leapt up landing on the bed.

 Impa had the high ground and charged down at Link. But again, Link saw it coming and dodged behind a curtain. He heard Impa growl in frustration. Link quickly crawled across the shiny white tiles, seeking a place to hide. There were no weapons in the hospital...unless.

Maybe I could you a syringe against her. Its not the most practical weapon but it's worth a shot.

Link didn't know how to use one, but he scanned the room. He heard Impa tearing down the curtains searching for him. Shoving the beds to the side.

Why was she doing this?

Then he was struck with a horrible thought.

Were there spies in the castle, was Impa one of them?

No that can't be possible, Impa has been here as long as I can remember.

Those were only rumors. Are they true?

Link crawled under the final bed and leaned his back against the side of it away from Impa. He heard the slashing of curtains. He winced at the violent cutting. Link hoped that wouldn't be his throat if she found him.

He slowly crept his hands up the side of the bed. He gripped the side of the polished wood and lifted his head to be aware of Impa's position. Her back was faced to him, her sickle cut through the cold air. Link hadn't realized how far he was from the door until now. Impa was practically hovering right over the exit.

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