Chapter 37 The Secret Keepers

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"Greta has a love for flare and dramatics. Pay her no mind." Urbosa assured the party, especially the rattled Prince Link. "All they sell here is small trinkets that they claim is treasure from the far-off ruins in the Gerudo Desert. More than half of it is trickery."

Zelda's was overwhelmed. Large colorful canopies arched over the marketplace. The stalls were makeshift setups filled with strange gimmicks and items. Her eyes moved from glowing crystals to mirrors filled with darkness. Oddly shaped weapons centuries old were on display.

Her gaze set on the back of the old man. He's Link's father? She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Is he still the same noble and honorable king as before? That remained to be seen. For now, she would wait until she could discuss with him privately, alone.

Zelda was distracted by an itchy sensation at her throat. The malice on her body had spread. Like a vile vine it had crawled past her hand and arm, to her shoulder, and now extended to her neck. A scarf she had used when the prince and her had been voyaging in Hebra was wrapped around her neck to conceal the ugly mass. Its pulsing echoed through her and the slimy stickiness of the substance against her skin was horrendous.

On instinct she reached to scratch her itchy neck, but she was met with a pulsing mass, the scratchy skin underneath growing only itchier. Ugh...I should talk to the old man about this. If he can help me some other way, I won't inflict this fate on another but...its growing so much worse...

Zelda glanced at the old man as they walked through the marketplace. A gold statue of a snake inside a cage suddenly became animate and lunged at her as she passed. "Watch it." She commanded in a firm voice, a voice harsher and deeper than her normal dulcet tone. The Zora owner grumbled as Zelda passed but didn't confront her. The Zora busied herself replacing her glass eye with one imbedded with ancient technology, seemingly unconcerned with the dangerous artifacts around her.

"We should head inside." Urbosa recommended. Various market keepers were packing away their things and moving their goods into the inner marketplace. "The sandstorm is going to get worse throughout the night. Naboris becomes more active overnight." Urbosa looked to the Gerudo Highlands where a strange roar could be heard. Flashes of lightning light up the far-off deserts and Highlands where the shadow of the Great Divine Beast loomed.

In the far distance, Zelda thought she saw two shadows, one much shorter and taller one frantically dancing around. The flashes of lightning illuminated the two figures dressed in shades of red. Who in Hylia's name would be out in the Highlands at this time? Perhaps her eyes were deceiving her.

Siré held open the curtain for Urbosa, Arnen, Misko, the Queen, the old man (now known as Lonk), Link, and herself. "Thanks, Siré." Zelda said as she ducked under the curtain. Urbosa, Link, and the old man had given their thanks as well.

"My pleasure, heroine." Siré laughed slightly. Her tired slim face seemed stretched thin over her skull but her smiling eyes remained bright despite the treacherous journey thus far.

The triangular marketplace was more spectacular inside than out. Exotic rugs were spread across the sandstone floor and luminescent lights lit up the space. Small canals lined the perimeter meeting in the center at a magnificent water fall that extended up through the roof. Three staircases in the three corners ascended to the inn's roof. At a slant there were skylights which revealed the darkening skies above. The space was divided into three parts. Signs hung above them: objects, mystics, and secrets.

The "objects" part of the marketplace was filled with weapons, armors, décor, and strange items of value. Many dapperly dressed Hylians, Zoras, Gorons and Gerudos mingled about. Their eyes were wide as they brandished swords clumsily, swinging them in wobbly arcs. Others pawed with their pudgy hands' jewelry varying from modest bracelets to extravagant headpieces. Zelda rolled her eyes and elbowed Sire, "More money than sense. Tourists."

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