♕Recovery And Secrets♚

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I woke up feeling groggy, and with a weight pressing over my legs. 

Slowly, I propped myself up, and the minute I did, the weight jumped onto my chest, a wet feline nose pressed against my face as I was greeted by meowing. 

"Good morning Clem- oof!" I grunted as the room burst out in screeching and wailing, a million tiny little arms hurling themselves over me. 

"Amari!!!" Tommy cried into my shoulder. 

'Oh' I heaved myself up to sit upright amidst the numerous children hanging off of me.

"Well this is certainly a suprise... good morning kids." I said, laughing as I swept them all up onto my lap. 
I patted two tiny backs as they all continued their shouting and crying, tiny fingers and hands pulling at my thin blankets and... hospital gown?

I glanced around, to look at Mr.Helm's. 

We were sitting in a white hospital room, with the window open to let in the light, the gardens outside full of flowers.

"Mornin' Amari." Mr.Helm's said, smiling. He got up from the chair he was sitting in before coming to stand by the bedside. 

The entire Helm's family was standing in my hospital room, and in addition, Hugh's was also standing by the door. 

"I'm so sorry I scared you kiddos. I'm ok, I promise." I said, smiling. 

Clementine grumbled, pushing herself underneath my arm. 

"Yup, as much as we can tell. It seems you just fainted when the explosion happened, but as far as we can tell you didn't suffer from any head trauma or critical wounds. You have a cut on your leg from when you fell with your knife, but it's nothing serious." Hughs said. 

"What happened by the way?" I asked, scooting to pull Tommy onto my lap, holding him close as he cuddled into my arm. 

He glanced around the room. "Well... I'll talk about it later. I'm just glad your ok. And in better shape than Ed and Al." he sighed, shaking his head and dragging his hand down his face. "What am I going to do with those boys.." 

"What?!" I sat up straight, eyes widening. "Ed and Al are here too? Are they ok? Did they get caught up in the explosion?" 

"They're fine, just a bit... beat up. And in pieces." Hughs huffed. 

"Sorry guys, but I gotta check up on- Urgk" I doubled over, arms wrapping around my stomach as I took a step onto the floor, a wave of nausea washing over me. 

"Oh, you have a pretty bad fever though. It's what happens when you faint with you face planted right in the street of Central in the rain. Don't worry, I'll help you over." 

"No! You shouldn't get up! You need rest." Camilla protested, gently guiding me back onto the bed.

Mr.Helm's put a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok, she's obviously worried about them. Why don't you go get some food with the kids in the food court, she doesn't need a bunch of toddlers milling around her hospital room." 

Camilla looked upset, but sighed, nodding. "Ok, let's go Joseph-" 

"Wait." Joseph said. 

I turned to look at him. 

He had the same kind of uninterested, tired ( and mildly irritable ) look on his face, but he was holding a bag with a bunch of cutesy flower patterns on it. 

"I made this for you. Eat it when you're feeling better." he held out the bag, to which I took it, peering inside. 

There were a few containers in the bag, of biscuits, cookies, and fudge brownies. I blinked in surprise at all of the baked goods he made for me- and how pretty they were. 

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