♕Everything Goes According To Plan♚

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I sighed, staring at the weapon in my hand. How did I go from slaving away at the farm in peace to this?

My visit in Resembool had finally ended, after days of peaceful repetition. It was simple, wake up, go to work at the farm, stop by the taffy shop in town to get a bag of Nothing's favorites- Frosted Cupcake and Caramel Swirl- and then go back home, pouring over books of Ishvalan history in the dark while talking to Nothing.

However, upon Hugh's request I had parted from the Elrics immediately upon reaching Central, and looking up at the clock, I realized I had been practicing shooting for two hours.

"Taking a break?" Hugh's asked, smiling as he plopped down in the chair next to me.

"Just a tiny one. My eyes were starting to ache." I said, rubbing at them. The air smelt like gunpowder and my ears were ringing, the sound of the fluorescent light buzzing causing an ache in my head.

I sighed, staring up at the ceiling. My arms were trembling, my nerves on fire after sitting through hours of loud gunfire, and my arms sore from holding a gun so tightly in front of me for so long.

"You know, you don't have to work so hard, we can stop." Hugh's said. "Even people who are used to firing guns get tired after firing one for so long and you're going to exhaust our pellet supply."

"Just another twenty minutes." I said back, getting up with a stretch.

My legs wobbled underneath me, and Hugh's chuckled. "Get some water and fresh air first."

"Thank you. I'll go do that now." I said, putting my handgun down and shakily making my way to the lobby, getting a cup of water before taking a deep, refreshing breath as I swung the door to the outside open.

I sat on the stone stairs, my knees to my chest as I watched the people in the street pass by, the sun painted just barely with orange as it was nearing sunset by the second.

"You're a terrible shot." Nothing's familiar voice spoke up.

I rolled my eyes, smiling and laying back. "So you know how to fire a gun, huh?"

"Of course. Not like I need it, though. I could kill anyone I wanted with just my bare hands."

I raised my eyebrows, taking a sip from my water. "Spooky."

"I'm serious!" they snapped back.

I sighed, rolling over my thoughts in my head.

For the past few days I had decided that I was adamant on helping Nothing with whatever was troubling them- the decision had been finalized with what they had said on the farm.

I don't know why, really.

I sat up, staring down into my cup thoughtfully.

Ever since what Scar had said that day... ever since I had started to question morality a bit further, I had felt... different.

I didn't like bad people. My entire life, I had been punishing the bad to help the good.

But Scar made me question that, and now I wasn't so sure.

After all, what did my thoughts about bad people then say about me? Not like I had any self respect in the slightest- but still.

I guess... me wanting to help them was me trying to understand- not only morality, but myself- better.

And... I had grown to get used to them over the days. Snapping at them, bickering back and forth, it was like it was part of the routine now.

"I know you're serious." I said, finishing a swig of water and then pouring the rest onto the steps.

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