♕Danger Ensues♚

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!!! WARNING!!! : This is the part in the story where things begin to pick up, in this chapter there will be blood and foul language, so keep that in mind please! 

The day before me was foreboding. Not only was my heart heavy and my chest tight with anxiety, but the sky was also grey- like impending doom was looming above. 

Clementine walked beside me, her hand in mine as she skipped happily. She seemed much more joyful and lively than when I had first met her, but I still couldn't find joy in the fact as I stared ahead down the street towards the Tucker household. 

"Jollie found out the secret about her necklace." Clementine said. 

"Did she now." 

"Yeah, its green, but when you shine a light at it, little purple lights come out of it." 

"That's interesting." 

"Mhm! She says she's really grmm.... great- full." Clementine said, fumbling over her words the way toddlers tend to. 

I smiled despite how cold my gut was. Pinching her cheek, I ruffled her hair. "Tell her Its my pleasure." 

She nodded, giggling happily. 

I let out a sigh. I promised to protect this child. I needed to protect this child. At all costs I would keep her safe, and right now I was failing. I was taking her to a suspicious mans house, while a strange feeling kept watching me wherever I went- which I was almost 99 percent sure that whatever the sensation was was a living thing by the way it felt more intense or more complex at times.

"Hey Clementine, can you promise me something?" 

Clementine looked up at me, before nodding, her curls bouncing buoyantly. "Mhm!"

"Can you promise me not to take anything from Nina's dad and only spend time with Nina? Can you promise me not to go anywhere alone with him?" 

Clementine gave me an odd look, understandably, before looking away and kicking a stray rock. "Well... yeah, but why?" 

"I just think it should be a special you and Nina day today, and I want to make sure that Ninas dad doesn't get distracted or find a way to worm out of his work you know?" I said, poking her on the forehead and tilting my head with a summery smile. 

Clementine laughed, pushing my finger out of her face with a snicker, before tilting her head to the side, her smile wide with silliness. "Kay!" 

I smiled, watching her skip down the sidewalk up ahead. I disguised my reasons behind humor, and while someone older would've seen through me, it brought me happiness knowing that Clementine was so excited to play with her friend, and that I could rest a little bit easier. 

We stopped in front of the Tucker household, my hand resting on the wrought iron gate. It was cold and made tension run up and down my body. My nerves were on end as I pushed the gate open with a creak, smiling and holding it for Clementine, bowing to her like she was a princess, to which she did a little twirling curtsey that warmed my heart. 

I watched her intently as she ran up to Nina with glee, who was sitting on the porch waving her arms with excitement. 

Tucker stood behind her, as skeletal as usual. Something about him seemed off though. Different from before. Like he was rooted with excitement and was looking forwards to something. 

I masked my suspicion and walked up to him, my hand held out to shake his. I almost flinched at the feeling of his hand- it felt ragged and bony, like his skin was hinging off his fingers. 

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