♕The Dust Has Settled♚

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??? P.O.V : 

I peeked my head around the corner, peering into the room. As per usual, there was Lust, standing with Gluttony in the room. They seemed to  be talking over something on a map, pointing to the outskirts of town, Lust's brow furrowed in annoyance. 

"... It seems as if we will have to dispose of Cornello soon with the uprising going on in Reole. Those Elric brothers certainly are infuriating. Tch." 

Lust scowled, the pawn she was holding in her hand cracking as she curled it tightly in her fist. 

"Ahem." I cleared my throat, tossing my hair as I entered the room, crossing my arms. 

Lust glanced at me. "Oh. Envy." her eyes narrowed with detestment as usual. 

All the homunculi with half a brain despised me, after all.

"The one and only" I took a bow, before rolling my eyes, "You didn't think you could completely get rid of me by sticking me on Amari did you? I still have to report back you know. Awful, I know, you just can't stand to have me around." 

Lust scowled with intense loathing, shaking her head with exasperation. She placed the pawn down on the table, before turning to Gluttony, giving her a pat on her bald head. 

"Thank you Gluttony, but I need some time to talk to Envy privately. Do you mind stepping out for now?" 

Gluttony shook her head, waddling out the door with a grin as usual. 

I dropped my smile, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, a frown set on my face. "Well?" 

"The Elric brothers have caused an uproar in Reole, Cornello has been exposed as a fraud, and at this point in time, it would be best to simply dispose of him before he makes matters worse. I'll pause  your duties watching Amari Frogensar to go patch things up." 

"While I'm overjoyed at the idea that I don't have to follow around that detestable human, Isn't that what we want? We want  chaos to spread, after all  Reole is one of the points on the transmutation circle." I said, picking at my teeth with boredom. 

Lust rolled her eyes, seemingly getting more agitated by my presence by the second. "Theoretically, yes, but we need them to be mindless brainwashed rats to conduct this properly. That's where you'll step in. We'll have to deviate to plan B." 

"So Civil War? That's always a fun one." I sneered, chuckling. It would be a nice change of pace from watching Amari day in and day out. 

Lust rolled her eyes, she seemed to be doing that allot today. "Fine. Now, your report?"

"Well." I grabbed a chair, spinning it around before sitting down on it, my chin resting on the back of the chair, arms crossed over my face. "It certainly was boring. For the first few days, at least. You know Shou? Shou Tucker? One of the chimera alchemists. Anyways, she went to go check on him. I thought she was all sunshiny and rainbows until them, if not weak and pathetic- she cried herself to sleep every night and agitated the heck out of me- but when she met Shou it was like, click! As if a switch turned on in her brain. She was passive aggressive, it was somewhat boring, but amusing to see her dance around Shou's word and trip him up. I think she was starting to catch on to the whole wife thing- I don't know." I picked at my teeth, pondering about it for a second. I wasn't good at reading humans but I could at least make blind shots in the dark. "Even then, she seems intelligent enough." 

"Of course she's intelligent. Do you remember anything I told you?" Lust grumbled. 

"Not really." 

Lust growled with frustration, running her hand through her hair. "You absolutely useless moron. I've been watching her for a while, her name wafts around the towns we visit, the cities get repaired, and then she suddenly is forgotten in a flash. Like she was never there, just a legend. The only thing I've known about her for a long time is that she has white hair and has been doing this for years. So, what exactly has she been doing? I need to know more than the fact that she's amusing to watch." 

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