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Hello readers! I'm sure that by the time you're reading this that you are all very eager to read what comes next. 

However, I would like to inform you that part 1 has been completed! 

To make my story as clear and concise as possible, I made the decision to separate it into parts based off of what's going on in the story and where in the timeline that translates to the show. 

As of last chapter- we have landed on  Season 1's last episode, episode 10.

So, what this basically means is that the next update, sadly, will not be for a while, and I will be taking a break.

But don't worry !!! 

Over this break I will be working hard to plan out the next part, write out the following chapters, and going back to edit, polish, and be 100% complete with chapters of Part 1, until I'm 100% ready to release the next part! 

While I'm extremely sad that I won't be able to experience seeing you all pop up in my notifications after updates with your votes and comments ( Which always makes my day ), I am very happy to be able to work for the best possible piece of work I can, as I am extremely passionate and love this series deeply! 

That being said, I'd like to take a moment to thank and appreciate all of my readers- especially my consistent readers- you all are so great and make my day every time you pop in my notifs! It really is inspiring to see all your words encouragement, and I doubt that I'd be half of the writer I am today if I hadn't started working on this series.

Truly, ever since I thought it up and started the rough draft on it in google docs all the way back in 2019 when I first watched the show, I hadn't imagined how much dedication, love, passion, and good memories would come out of me making this, and while I'd say my following is practically microscopic, for those who do stick around I am eternally grateful for all of you, and hope that you enjoy my work just as much as I enjoy making it for you all!  

I know this may seem like a lot, but my original characters, fmab, envy, and this fanfic in general has changed me a lot and has stuck with me through so much, that I will admit I am slightly obsessed over it and pour all my heart into finishing it, as I want nothing more than to complete this story one day and give it the ending it deserves :)

With that, I ( And  the main cast of 'The Glass Alchemist' ) hope you all a lovely day, and time reading ♥

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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