♕A Rough First Impression♚ ( EDITED )

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 Greenville was by all means, a pleasant, down to Earth town. Located just South of Central, Amestris, it was a farming town in the middle of relatively nowhere. It's where I had resided for the past five days and as of current, I was in the yard of the James family, helping little Cloe string up chicken wire to build a compost bin in their backyard.

The sky was clear and blue as a field of cornflowers in the ripe times of Spring, where the land prospered under the abundant rain that soaked the earth. A crisp breeze passed on the wind, and besides the fluttering of air, sigh of the grasses, and bird song, the day was relatively quiet.

So, as Mrs.James pried the kitchen window open, I could hear very well what was being said over the radio playing on the countertop.

'..And on another note, a serial killer has popped up in Central City of Amestris! Now this isn't your regular murderer- truly this one is quiet exceptional. After all, here in Amestris we hold our military and state alchemists in high regards!'

I paused what I was doing, frowning. State Alchemists and the military weren't exactly a group that I would say I held in particularly... 'high regard'.

'-After all, they are the strongest people in the country, and have done nothing but improve and further us as a society. So, what makes this serial killer so exceptional is that he so far has only targeted state alchemists! That is correct- the most dangerous, powerful, and respected of our military! This killer's been named 'Scar'- after his appearance, which there are vague reports of. He is a dark skinned, white haired man, with a striking X marked Scar on his face. Yes, certainly quite strange, and here we have...'

"How horrible..." Mrs.James turned down the volume of the radio, casting a sympathetic glance my way. "Targeting Alchemists, you must be awfully scared, aren't you dear?"

I pursed my lips, looking away as I stood in silence. I thought it best not to make the distinction that this Scar was killing only State Alchemists- which I was not a part of the military.

"It's okay though dear, you can stay with us for a little while longer! I know you were planning on leaving soon, but I just couldn't keep a good consciousness knowing that you were out there all alone like that... especially after you helped get rid of those darn pests that were tearing our fields up. It's the least I can do- after all without you we would've starved this Winter."

Mrs.James was a very sweet, kind woman. She had a nice house, a nice husband, and three beautiful children. And while that life was oh so enticing- and I would've accepted the offer if I could- I simply couldn't.

It was my duty. So I shook my head, rising and brushing the dirt off of my pants.

"As much as I would like to accept, I really should get going... If I may ask however- would you mind lending me enough money for a train ticket?"

"Oh, of course! Don't worry, no need to owe me, you can have it- and more! After all, you really deserve some compensation for the pests-"

I raised my hand. "No need, but thank you."

Mrs.James frowned, and ceased the furious digging through her pockets, pulling out five euros and handing them to me through the window.

"If you say so dear, but where are you going?"

"Oh... just the next town over." I said. I glanced at the money in my hand.

Through all my years of experience, I had no idea how to deal with a serial killer, but I felt I'd learn soon enough.

After all, I was pretty sure that five dollars was enough to catch a train to Central, right?

It was indeed, and just the next day I was on my way to Central, the biggest city in Amestris. The day passed by quickly, and as the sky turned towards night, the moon shining high above, the train I was aboard drew into the station with a huff.

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