♕The Fun Times In Life♚

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I sighed, staring up at the ceiling of the Rockbell household.

"Good Morning Ed."

"Morning" He grunted, running through the living room into the kitchen with a plate of eggs.

We had gotten back pretty late, so we hadn't had time to go visit his mom yet, but last night had definitely been... interesting.
I felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

✦ Last Night...

"Well Ed... who's this?" Pinako had asked.

The table was mostly silent as we sat down, and after a few minutes of tenseness Winry's grandma had split it.

"Oh, Amari? She's a friend of mine, she's training under me to get stronger to protect Clementine, that dog thing over there. She's actually a three year old, but that's a long story." Ed had said, digging into his beef and grits.

"Training under you? More like over you, she's 3 times your height." Winry- Ed's sweet mechanic- had snickered teasingly.

"She's not that much taller than me!" Ed squeaked, glaring daggers.

"She's taller than me, Ed. I didn't know you liked tall girls... not like you have much of a choice with how short you are." she pestered further, giggling before taking a fork full of food.

"I'M NOT LITTLE! AND I DON'T LIKE HER!!" Ed screeched, his face growing red as he banged his fist against the table.

I ducked my head in embarrassment, glancing at Armstrong, who just peacefully sipped at his water with his eyes closed, unbothered.

"I'm just his student, he's just my teacher. That's all." I added meekly, staring down at my grits and pushing it around a bit with my fork.

I felt my face burn as Pinako rolled her eyes, puffing her pipe. "Grandma... put that away at the dinner table." Winry hissed under her breath, before clearing her throat.

"We'll see about that, Amari. I wouldn't mind Ed getting a girlfriend to look after him though. God knows he needs it with all the trouble he gets into." Winry had snapped, glaring accusingly at his stump, to which he glanced away, his face palening.

The rest of the night had continued in mostly silence.

✦ Current Day ( morning )...

"Clem... Clem. Wake up, Clem." I huffed, sitting up and staring across the room at her, curled up on the recliner with a quilt draped over her.

She twitched her ear, grunting.

With a sigh, I got up, gently picking her up in the quilt, holding her to my shoulder with one arm as I moved to the kitchen, making a cup of coffee with my free hand.

Al was sitting in his box on a seat at the table, chatting away with Ed and Pinako, Armstrong doing laundry in a frilly white apron outside.

"Good morning Pinako, Al" I greeted, smiling. "Want some coffee?" I offered.

"Coffee sounds lovely, thank you dear." Pinako said, grinning. "There's eggs on the stove if you want some."

"Thank you, Pinako." I set the pot to brew, before fetching out two plates, scraping eggs into each of them and setting one down on the floor.
"Clem, I got some eggs for you."

She grunted, thrashing around before hmphing, shoving her face into my shoulder.
With a sigh, I set her down, pulling the quilt off and opening all the windows in the living and dining room wide open, letting the morning light in.

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