Chapter 10: Letting Rage Lead The Way

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Ban's POV:

It happened so fast I didn't even fully process anything that had happened until she ran up and kissed him.

After finding Escanor, King found us and told Jericho and myself what the Captain had done to (Y/N). I was furious at the Captain, but I was also terrified knowing that her husband had been broken out of the Demon Realm, and was coming to take her away.

(Y/N) was married to one of the ten commandments, the most evil group of demons ever known. She had told us she was half demon, because that was the memory that Gowther put in her head, however that wasn't the full truth. (Y/N)'s father was a demon, and a noble one at that, while her mother was a fairy.

Knowing she was married to the most evil demon there was, that he was the Prince of the realm, and that she's basically a demon Princess made me question my love for her. That thought caused me to hate the Captain even more, as well as hate myself.

While she was out I had walked through the maze of death, meeting up with the captain and King Arthur, literally the last two people on the planet I wanted to see. King Arther constantly asks why she was currently out, and then blames me for Eline's actions, as if her staying with him would have changed the outcome of the horrible events that continue to transpire. 

Captain just looked at me with that stupid smirk he always wore, but his eyes were sad. I just scowled at him, as he was the reason she was in this mess in the first place. "Ban, as much as you don't think so, I did what I did to protect Elizabeth. If the roles were reversed I'm sure you would have done the same thing"  I didn't answer him, I of course knew he was right, but right now that didn't fix anything.

Finally exiting the maze of death and seeing everyone else outside of it brought me a bit of comfort. I chatted and caught up with everyone, while holding (Y/N) close, and felt myself finally start to relax, until two of the ten commandments started talking.

(Y/N) finally woke up making me smile, only to have that fairy bastard break a gem that put her in a trance-like state. Her beautiful green eyes had turned black and dull, and she had lost all the colour in her face. She started mumbling about a camping trip. I got scared and confused, and started lightly shaking her.

I had tried almost everything I could to wake her until that dick of a giant made the earth break into chucks, and then bring thee one with her on it to them, while they  then separated us into groups of two people per piece of earth to fight.

"Give her back you bastards" I screamed. "Ban they wont hurt her. It's actually safer for her to be there while we fight" the Captain informed me, his eyes never leaving (Y/N). I grind my teeth together, but even after everything that I had found out, I trusted the Captain.

After about an hour of fighting, and me trying to think of a way to get to (Y/N)  Escanor attacked the two commandments, Meliodas joining in a few minutes later. Before I could help with the fight or even yell at Escanor for putting (y/n) in danger the stupid giant trapped us into what looked like hands made out of earth.

Somehow we were lucky though, that a Mage was able to teleport us to a safe area. The Mage pulled out a glass ball where we could watch what was happening. That's when I saw (Y/N) was back to normal, or so I thought until she hugged that fairy.

"She must remember," King whispered quietly. i watched the love of my life attack the Captain, hitting him over and over again with her fists of fire. "No way. Her power level is too high to even get a reading, she'll kill him" screamed Hawk.

"Did she just say she is married to the Captain's brother?" asked a shocked Dianne. "Meliodas was trying to get (Y/N) to marry him?" King Arthur asked while scratching the back of his neck, clearly just as confused as the rest of us.

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