Louis Golf Cart Accident (1)

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Liam POV

"HEY GUYS!" I heard Louis yell, "Look what I found"
I walked towards Louis' voice, winding up in a vacant parking garage. Louis stood next to three security golf carts - with the keys inserted.
"Sick" Zayn gasped, sitting down in the driver's seat of one
"Guys, we have a concert in thirty minutes! Don't you think this isn't the best idea" Niall stated, anxious that this would (a) get us in trouble, and (b) make us late.
Personally, I was equally, if not more opposed to the idea than Niall. First of all, these weren't our golf carts to drive, second of all, what if something happened and someone got hurt? We had 75,000 fans counting on us to perform tonight, we couldn't sacrifice that.
"Guys...I don't think this is such a good idea..." I suggested
Unfortunately, Louis, Zayn and Harry did not honor Niall's and my pleas, twisting the keys and taking off in the golf carts. They raced around in circles, laughing and having fun.
Harry pulled his cart up next to me, jumping off and urging me to get on.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea, Harold" I scolded.
"C'mon Li. It's fuuuun. Don't be such a party pooper" He teased
"Fine," I caved, "but only for a minute". I climbed into the cart and began chasing after Louis and Zayn.

Paul POV

The boys had to be onstage in fifteen minutes, and big surprise, they were nowhere to be found. It seems that at every concert, they will all be present and accounted for during wardrobe, hair, and makeup, but as soon as the show is in eyesight, they disappear.
The team of security guards began searching the venue, eventually finding Niall and Harry standing in the maintenance parking garage.
"Boys? What's going on? You're on in fifteen minutes!" I exclaimed
"We're having fun, Paul. F U N fun" Harry told me, rolling his eyes
"Well, it's my job as tour manager and honorary dad to ruin your fun and make sure you're on time" I replied
"Fun killer" Niall muttered
"Yep, that's me!" I proclaimed, "Where are the rest of you boys?"
As if on cue, the three missing lads came whirling around the corner on stolen golf carts.
"Coming in hot!" Zayn yelled, parking his cart next to me while Louis and Liam continued chasing one another
"Louis, Liam, let's go!" I called to them
"FIVE MORE MINUTES" Louis screeched as he went whizzing around the corner and out of my view
I turned around in defeat, facing the ruly boys.
"You guys go backstage and get ready. I'll get these two troublemakers out there once I get them under control"
Fortunately they obeyed, turning around and heading towards their dressing rooms.

Louis POV

"FIVE MORE MINUTES" I yelled at Paul as Liam and I raced out of his sight once again
We had fifteen minutes until showtime - hair, makeup, and wardrobe already completed - so why couldn't we spare five or so minutes?
Liam and I floored it, racing one another around in circles. Suddenly there was a click, and my golf cart would not steer.
"LIAM I CAN'T TURN" I yelled, beginning to panic at the loss of control
"What?" He responded as I tried to hit my break but to no avail
"Fuck. My cart won't work, it won't fucking work" My panic grew as I came closer and closer to the concrete wall of the garage.

Then everything went dark.

Paul POV


The second that we heard the loud bang, the entire security team and I were sprinting. We ran around the corner, all unsure of what we might find.

Louis' golf cart was crunched up against the wall. Judging by the damage, he had hit the wall at full speed. But what was more concerning than the damage to the cart was the motionless boy lying on the hood.
It was clear that the force of the collision had sent Louis flying through the plastic windshield of the vehicle.
"DON'T TOUCH HIM, LIAM. DON'T MOVE HIM, DON'T MOVE HIM" I yelled frantically as Liam jumped back from Louis' seemingly lifeless body and the crushed vehicle.
When I got to Louis, I wasn't surprised to see that he was unconscious. Liam anxiously stood about 10 feet away while I checked that he was breathing and had a pulse. Meanwhile, Preston checked his arms and legs for any obvious injuries or breaks.
"Sandy," I said while looking at the guard closest to me, "call for an ambulance."
"On it" He replied
"We have to get him onto the floor, but we gotta be careful in case he's injured his spine. Liam can you come help us?" I requested
Liam slowly walked over, as if he was afraid to even look at his injured bandmate. Liam, Preston, and one other guard helped me gently move Louis onto the ground, keeping his neck as still as possible.
"Should I call the boys?" Liam suggested

Shit. In all the chaos that had occurred in the past five minutes, I had completely forgotten about the show.

"Uhm. Yeah, yeah. Call them would you? You'll probably still have to go on and perform. We'll deal with that in a few minutes, Louis is more important right now." I said, my focus not shifting from Louis. "Sandy, how far is the ambulance?"
"They reckon twenty minutes," Sandy replied, still on the phone with 911.

Liam POV

Fuck. That had to have been the scariest moment of my life. One second Louis and I were playing around, the next he was panicking as his cart went crashing full speed into the wall.

He went flying.

I thought he was dead.

I pulled out my phone and called Zayn. It rang and rang until he finally picked up.

"Liam! Where the hell are you?"

Zayn POV

I was starting to get annoyed with Louis and Liam. We were on in less than ten minutes, and they were still fooling around. Harry and Niall both felt the same.
I heard my phone ringing in my bag across the dressing room. I got up to answer it, and seeing that it was Liam, I was ready to lecture him on the importance of punctuality.
"Liam! Where the hell are you?" I exclaimed
"Uh Zayn? Y-you gotta come back to the parking garage. L-Louis crashed" He stammered
"Crashed? What do you mean? Is he okay?" I questioned. What had happened?
"N-no he's not okay. Just come please" Liam said, voice breaking. He then hung up, leaving me with a million unanswered questions.
"NIALL! HARRY!" I yelled, "We gotta go. Louis' been hurt" I told them, leaving the room and running toward the garage.

When I got to where Louis was, I was shocked. The golf cart was totaled, crushed up against the wall, and Louis was lying completely still on the ground, hardly visible as he was surrounded by our guards.
"What happened Liam?" I asked frantically
"I d-don't know. Everything was fine, and then he lost control and crashed" Liam informed me, obviously in shock and disbelief
"Is he okay?" Niall asked
"No Niall, obviously not" Harry snapped, the stress of the situation getting to him
"Is he conscious, Li?" I inquired
"No. I don't know. Nobody is telling me anything. H-he was out when I helped move him to the ground b-but then Paul told me to come over here and call you" Liam recalled, it was evident he was close to breaking down.

Harry then decided he was done watching from the sidelines and inserted himself into the circle around Louis. The rest of the boys and I slumped down against a wall about 20ft from all the mayhem.

Harry POV

Louis looked dead. His eyes were closed, and the only indicator that he was in fact alive was the slow rise and fall of his chest. Paul had his hands on either side of his head, preventing him from moving it if he were to wake up. I shakily reached out and grabbed his hand as tears began to form in my eyes.
"Harry, do you want to go back to the dressing room with the boys?" Paul suggested
"No no. I wanna stay with Lou. I can't leave him, I can't-" I insisted as Preston put his hand on my back and rubbed circles
"Keep it together Harry," Preston told me, "if he wakes up it'll be better if you're calm"
"Mmmph" Louis softly groaned as if on cue
"Louis?" I asked quickly but quietly
"Louis, can you hear me? It's Paul"
"Keep coming around mate" The third security guard encouraged.
"Wha-wha mphn"
"It's okay Louis, we've got you. Don't try to talk just yet" Paul said gently.
"W-whe-where amm I" Louis whispered
"You're okay Louis. You've been in a bit of a crash, you're doing great though," Paul explained, "does anything hurt?"
"Miam baa-ba" Louis slurred incoherently
"What Louis? We can't understand you" I said, desperately. What was going on? Nothing that he was saying was making any sense and it was freaking me out.
"Mmma ban herr" Louis continued trying to speak
"Why is he talking like that Paul?" I looked at Paul pleadingly
"Harry calm down. He's hit his head hard, remember? Take a breath" He told me, and I did my best to remain calm and keep my voice level.
"Louis, can you point to what hurts?" Paul asked him
"C-can't moo"
"You can't move?" I panicked, losing all pretense of calm.
"Does your back hurt?" Preston questioned
"Mmmm" he sighed, I assumed in agreement
"Can you feel this Louis?" Sandy asked as he reached down and pinched Louis' leg
"Mnnn naaa ihmn n-nuumb"

"Harry, go over there with the rest of the boys" Paul ordered. I hadn't even realized it, but I was now sobbing. I shakily got up and trudged to the boys, obeying Paul's orders.
They all looked up at me expectantly.
"He can't fucking move. He's paralyzed" I cried, letting myself fall against the wall and putting my face in my hands.

Nobody said a word.

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