Niall Appendicitis

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Niall POV

While on the plane, I started to get some stomach cramps. I thought briefly about telling Paul or one of the boys, but I didn't want to take their attention away from Louis or Liam.

After the flight, Preston took Louis, Harry, Zayn and I to the hotel we would be staying at while Paul took Liam to a psychiatrist.
Poor Liam had been having multiple panic attacks a day since Louis' accident, and I was glad Paul was finally taking him to get checked out.

"How are we doing rooms?" Harry asked looking at Zayn and I
"I roomed with Liam last time," Zayn began
"And I roomed with Harry last time" I added
"So I guess I'll share with you, Zayn, and Niall are you okay rooming with Liam?" Harry asked
"Yeah sure" I replied as Preston passed out room keys.
"Okay boys, once you are settled into your rooms come to Paul's room. Room 207" Preston instructed as he headed towards the elevator with Louis.

I decided to take the stairs to my room, as it was only on the second floor. Big mistake.
About halfway up, a sharp pain made itself prominent on my right side.
"Argh, ahh" I groaned as I sat myself down on the stairs.
I stayed there for a minute until I felt well enough to climb the rest of the stairs.
The pain subsided to a dull ache, and after while, it was barely noticeable.

Once I was relatively unpacked, I made my way to Paul's room so I could hang out with Louis.
Harry and Zayn came too, and we watched movies while we waited for Paul and Liam to return.
We were watching The Hangover when Louis suddenly grabbed my arm.
"Louis?" I asked
"I feel really weird" He whispered
"What do you mean?" I replied, now concerned
"I-I feel sick. I don't know I just feel really bad" He said, his voice wavering as if he was scared
"Do you feel like you're going to vomit? Do you need me to help you walk to the bathroom?" I asked as I heard Paul enter the room
Louis didn't look at me, or even acknowledge my question. He just stared off blankly, his eyes out of focus.
"Guys, turn off the TV" I ordered
"What?" Harry asked confusedly, "Is Louis okay?"
"He won't respond" I answered
Zayn and Harry moved so they were now kneeling in front of Louis.
"Lou?" Zayn called
"Is everything okay boys?" Paul asked and Preston looked up from his phone
"Louis' zoned out and won't answer us" Harry informed him
Just as Paul came over, Louis blinked and looked at us.
"Louis? Can you hear me?" Paul said while touching his shoulder
"What happened?" Louis murmured, looking around at all of us
"You went blank on us for a moment, mate" Zayn told him
"Oh," Louis whispered. "I feel like I just passed out"
"Alright, you're alright Louis." Paul stroked his hand through Louis' hair.
"Do you still feel sick?" I asked him, remembering what he said before things went weird
"No, why?"
"You said you felt sick a few minutes ago before you blacked out" I explained
"I blacked out?" Louis questioned
"You zoned out and wouldn't respond to us" Zayn answered
"When?" Louis looked puzzled
"Paul what's wrong with him?" Harry whispered to Paul
"I'm not sure, Harry. Louis, how about we get you to bed so you can sleep some before the interview," Paul suggested as he picked him up bridal style, not trusting him to walk without actually passing out
"I'll walk you boys back to your hotel rooms" Preston announced as he began herding us towards the door.

When I got into my room, the stabbing sensation returned.
"Argh AH ah" I cried, allowing myself to fall onto the floor
"Niall?" I heard Liam call. I had forgotten that he was back.
I tried to respond, but only a pained groan came out
"Are you okay?" He asked panicked
"Y-yes. I just need a minute" I said, holding my side
"Are you sure, Ni? You sounded in pain"
"Mhm. I'm okay" I responded as the pain subsided to almost nothing
"Let me help you up," He said, grabbing me under my arms and helping me to my feet. "What happened?"
"My stomach just hurt for a second, it's fine now though"
He looked me up and down, deciding whether or not to accept my answer, and then nodded.

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