Louis Hit on Stage

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Harry POV
Our last show in North America. Despite all the trials and tribulations that we had faced over the past eight weeks, here we were, back at the Garden - where everything started.

Liam was no longer on crutches as of last week, and the boys and I were ready to give it our all tonight. Paul even gave Louis permission to walk down the catwalk.

"Okay, boys!" Paul summoned us
We all gathered around
"I want to set some ground rules..." Paul began
We all looked at each other, knowing where this was going
"Rule number one, there will be no stealing of golf carts - or any motorized vehicles for that matter"
We all nodded
"Rule number two, if you feel ill at any point, you will tell me. Rule number three, you do not have my permission - or anyone's permission - to fall off of stage. Rule number four, steer clear of staircases, especially if you are feeling lightheaded. And finally, rule number five, do not hurt yourselves tonight, and if any of you do, I will kill you. Do you understand"
It was evident that Louis was trying (and somewhat failing) to hold in a fit of laughter
"Tomlinson!" Paul snapped, as if he were a drill sergeant. "Do you understand"
"Ye-yessir" Louis peeped, trying his best to compose himself
"Alright, have fun out there, boys" Paul said as he turned away to answer a radio call

By the time the show came around, we all were high on adrenaline. I just knew that tonight would be amazing.

We made it through the first four songs, and then we began interacting with the crowd.
"Hello New York City!" Louis called and the crowd screamed
"Who wants to hear some jokes?" I yelled
"Not us" Zayn responded jokingly
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?" The crowd answered
"Lil old lady"
"Lil old lady who"Came the response
"You guys didn't tell me you could yodel!"
"Lil-old-lady-who" Niall chanted, understanding the joke
"That's right, Niall!" I exclaimed dramatically

Louis POV
The concert was everything I had hoped it would be and more.
All of the boys' vocals were on point, and finally I would be allowed to walk down the catwalk.
It may seem like not a huge deal, but it'd been eight weeks since the crash, I was back at the same stadium, and this was the first show that was 100% normal.

When the time came, I followed Liam and began making my way down the catwalk, talking to the crowd as I went.
"Liam, mate, how about we read some signs?" I suggested
"Louis! This person loves us more than pizza!" Liam called in response, pointing at a sign a few rows back
"Wow, honored." I said, looking around for a good sign.
"Woah, calm down" Harry yelled, and I turned around to look at him. "That is inappropriate. This is a family sh-"
Then everything went black.

Liam POV
It felt like things were moving in slow motion when I caught the flying red bull can in my gaze.
I watched as it grew closer and closer to Louis. I should've yelled at him to look out or something, but I didn't have time.
Louis crumpled to the ground like a ragdoll as it hit the side of his head, and the inner contents of the canister exploded everywhere.

"Louis!" I yelled as I began rushing over to him. "Louis? Lou, c'mon mate" I gently tapped his back.
"Shit, is he out?" Harry asked, falling to his knees beside me
"I think" I said as I leaned down to get a better look at his face
"Is he okay?" I heard Niall ask as he and Zayn made their way over
"He's knocked out" Harry explained
"Where the hell is Paul?" Zayn asked, looking around
I felt Louis' arm twitch under my hand
"Louis? Can you hear me? It's Liam"
He twitched again
"Lou? Please say something" Niall begged, moving a bit of Louis' hair and tucking it behind his ear
The next thing I knew, Louis was seizing; Eyes still closed and breathing erratic.
"Fuck, Louis, Louis, Lou. No, please no" I gasped as he convulsed violently
I could hear fans screaming and crying behind me, but didn't let my focus shift away from Louis.
"Don't touch him, boys" Paul instructed as he and another guard knelt beside us
"What's happening" Niall asked, voice wavering as if he were about to cry
"He's having a seizure. There's nothing we can do except wait it out" Paul said, taking out his phone and setting a timer
"Fuck" Zayn swore as he knelt down beside us, and we all did our best to block Louis from the fans' view.
Paul placed a hand under Louis' head, so he wouldn't hit it on the stage
"Michael, call an ambulance" Paul ordered to the guard
"It's okay, Louis. You're gonna be okay" Harry cooed as Louis gargled
"Can he hear us?" I asked, looking to Paul
"I'm not sure. Keep talking to him Harry" Paul responded, keeping an eye on the stopwatch
"You're safe, it's okay Lou" I soothed, trying to keep my voice level and hide my shock and fear
We spent the next few minutes cooing reassurances as the seizure continued

"Alright, Louis, almost done now" Paul cooed as Louis convulsions noticeably slowed, and then eventually stopped
Paul carefully rolled Louis onto his back and pulled out a small torch from his pocket, shining it into each of Louis' eyes.
"His left pupil is fixed. How long until that ambulance gets here, Michael?" Paul asked
"They reckon seven minutes"
"What do you mean fixed" Harry said, trying his best to hold himself together
"It won't respond to my light"
"But what does that mean?" Harry asked again
"There's probably a bleed in his brain. Try not to panic boys, EMTs will be here soon" Paul answered, and I noticed other security guards beginning to clear fans from the stadium
"A bleed in his brain" I repeated under my breath in disbelief
Paul began rolling Louis over onto his side, just as he started to convulse again
"Alright Louis, it's okay" Paul encouraged, and aside from Niall's soft whimpers, we were all silent
This time, his spasms were much less violent, but that did nothing to calm any of our nerves

Thirty seconds later, Louis stilled.
Paul immediately took his pulse, and then leaned his head down next to Louis' mouth
I took note of the bluish tint of Louis' lips, which was more prominent than after the first seizure.
"Please Lou. Just a little while longer. It's gonna be okay. The ambulance is almost here, they're almost here" Harry soothed, stifling back tears as he ran a hand through Louis' hair.
"Come on Louis, breathe" Paul said as he tilted Louis' head backwards to open his airway and rubbed his hand on Lou's chest

The next thing I knew, paramedics were rushing over, and I was practically being dragged backstage.
Shock was beginning to set in as I realized that Louis might really be injured this time.

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